Calculates the diffusion coefficient of a trajectory by means of the linear fitting of the TA-MSD.
Time lags used for the TA-MSD.
Diffusion coefficient of the given trajectory.
Here we show an example for the calculation of the diffusion coefficient of a 2D Brownian motion trajectory. We create trajectories from displacements of variance \(\sigma =1\), which results in a diffusion coefficient \(D=0.5\).
pos = np.cumsum(np.random.randn(1070, 100, 2), axis =1)D = msd_analysis().get_diff_coeff(pos)plt.hist(D, bins =30);plt.axvline(np.mean(D), c ='k', label =f'Mean of predictions = {np.round(np.mean(D), 2)}') plt.axvline(0.5, c ='r', ls ='--', label ='Expected')plt.legend()
Calculates the diffusion coefficient of a trajectory by means of the linear fitting of the TA-MSD.
Time lags used for the TA-MSD.
Diffusion coefficient of the given trajectory.
To showcase this function, we generate fractional brownian motion trajectories with \(\alpha = 0.5\) and calculate their exponent:
trajs, _ = models_phenom().single_state(N =1001, T =100, alphas =0.5, dim =2)alpha = msd_analysis().get_exponent(trajs.transpose(1,0,2))plt.hist(alpha, bins =30);plt.axvline(np.mean(alpha), c ='k', label =f'Mean of predictions = {np.round(np.mean(alpha), 2)}')plt.axvline(0.5, c ='r', ls ='--', label ='Expected')plt.legend()
Computes the changes points a multistate trajectory based on the Convex Hull approach proposed in PRE 96 (022144), 2017.
NxT matrix containing N trajectories of length T.
Time window over which the CH is calculated.
{‘volume’, ‘area’}
Calculate change points w.r.t. area or volume of CH.
Change points of the given trajectory.
We showcase the use of the convex hull in a Brownian motion trajectory with two distinct diffusion coefficients, one 10 times the other:
# Generate trajectories and plot change pointsT =100; on =40; off =60; tau =5traj = np.random.randn(T, 2)traj[on:off, :] = traj[on:off, :]*10traj = traj.cumsum(0)plt.axvline(on-tau, c ='k')plt.axvline(off-tau, c ='k', label ='True change points')# Calculate variable Sd Sd = np.zeros(traj.shape[0]-2*tau)for k inrange(traj.shape[0]-2*tau): Sd[k] = ConvexHull(traj[k:(k+2*tau)], ).volume # Compute change points both with volume and areaCPs = CH_changepoints([traj], tau = tau)[0].flatten()-tauCPs_a = CH_changepoints([traj], tau = tau, metric ='area')[0].flatten()-tau# Plot everythinglabel_cp ='CH Volume'for cp in CPs: plt.axvline(cp, c ='g', alpha =0.8, ls ='--', label = label_cp) label_cp =''label_cp ='CH Area'for cp in CPs_a: plt.axvline(cp, alpha =0.8, ls ='--', c ='orange', label = label_cp) label_cp =''plt.plot(Sd, '-o')plt.axhline(Sd.mean(), label ='CH Volume mean', c ='g',)plt.legend()plt.xlabel('n'); plt.ylabel(r'$S_d(n)$')
Text(0, 0.5, '$S_d(n)$')
Cramér-Rao lower bound
Expressions of the CRLB for the estimation of the diffusion coefficient for trajectories without noise, for dimension 1 and 2, at different trajectory lengths
Returns the Cramer-Rao lower bound S(D)/D for Brownian motion without noise, namely
S(D) / D = sqrt(2 / (d·T) )
Length of the trajectory
Dimension of the trajectoy
Cramér-Rao bound
Here we show how for Brownian motion trajectories, the MSD with is nearly optimal and follows the same scaling as the CRLB (i.e. \(S(D)/D = \sqrt(6/T)\).
Ts = np.logspace(1, 3,20).astype(int) # Trajectory lengthsDs = np.arange(0.5, 2.1, 0.5) # We will test on different diffusion coefficients# Saving the standard deviationsstd_ds = np.zeros((len(Ds), len(Ts)))for idxD, D inenumerate(tqdm(Ds)):# Generate the BM trajectories with given parameters trajs = (np.sqrt(2*D)*np.random.randn(int(1e4), Ts[-1], 1)).cumsum(1) for idxL, T inenumerate(tqdm(Ts)): std_ds[idxD, idxL] = np.array(msd_analysis().get_diff_coeff(trajs = trajs[:, :T], t_lags = [1,2])).std()
Calculate the Fisher Information component I_alpha,alpha.
Example: CRLB of \(\alpha\) for unknown and known \(K_\alpha\)
# Example parametersalphas = np.linspace(0.1, 1.9, 50) # anomalous exponent to checkT =100# Length of the trajectoryK_alpha =1# diffusion coefficient (note that these results are independnet of K_alpha)# Variance with known K_alpha (i.e. inverse of diagonal term of the Fisher information matrix)var_a_k = np.array([1/fisher_information_alpha(alpha, T) for alpha in alphas])# Variance with unknown K_alpha (i.e. diagonal term of the inverse of the full Fisher information matrix)var_a_uk = np.array([fisher_information_matrix(alpha, K_alpha, T)[1][0,0] for alpha in alphas])plt.plot(alphas, var_a_k, c ='#003f5c', lw =2, label =r'Known $K_\alpha$')plt.plot(alphas, var_a_uk, c ='#ffbf00', lw =2, label =r'Unknown $K_\alpha$')plt.plot(alphas, var_a_uk-var_a_k, c ='#a3a3a3', ls ='--', label ='Difference')plt.grid(alpha =0.3)plt.xlabel(r'$\alpha$')plt.legend()
For FBM: we should have an increasing p-variation with bigger resolution (in the paper it means increasing n in Eq.(5) but in the discrete version used here it means decreasing m (see Eq. (8) of [2]).
For CTRW: the p-variation should estabilize to a value given [1] (i.e smaller m should start converging to this stable value).
T =5000H =0.2fbm_traj = models_theory().fbm(alpha = H*2, T = T)ctrw_traj = models_theory().ctrw(alpha = H*2, T = T)fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize = (7,3))for m in [1,2,3,4,5]: pvar_fbm = p_variation(fbm_traj, p =2, m = m) pvar_ctrw = p_variation(ctrw_traj, p =2, m = m) ax[0].plot(np.arange(T), pvar_fbm, label = m) ax[1].plot(np.arange(T), pvar_ctrw, label = m)ax[0].legend(title ='m')ax[0].set_ylabel('p-variation (p = 2)')plt.setp(ax, xlabel ='Time');
Example 2: Theoretical estiation of p-variation for FBM and p = 1/H
In the case of p = 1/H, with H being the Hurst exponent, we can theoretically calculated the value of the p-variation for an FBM process (see Eq. (6) of 1).
T =5000pvar_alpha = []Hs = np.linspace(0.2,0.5,5)pvars = []pvars_t = []Ds_est = []min_idx =1000for idxH, H inenumerate(Hs): # We create a trajectory with fixed D = 1 traj = np.cumsum(models_phenom().disp_fbm(D =1, alpha = H*2, T = T)) pvar = p_variation(traj, p =1/H, m =1) pvar_theory = p_variation_FBM(H = H, sigma = np.sqrt(2), # Note that definition of diffusion coefficient is different # for models_phenom and this function, hence introducint a sqrt(2) factor t = np.arange(T)) plt.loglog(np.arange(T)[min_idx:], pvar[min_idx:], label ='Numerical calculation'if idxH ==0else'') plt.plot(np.arange(T)[min_idx:], pvar_theory[min_idx:], label ='Theoretical prediction'if idxH ==0else'', c =f'C{idxH}', ls ='--', alpha =0.6)plt.legend()plt.ylabel('p-variation (p = 1/H)')plt.xlabel('Time')
T =int(1e5)N =int(1e4)# Hurst exponents we will considerHs = np.array([1/3, 1, 3/2])/2# Storing variables# mean and std of the PSD for the clean trajectoriesmuH = np.zeros((len(Hs), int(T/2)))stdH = np.zeros_like(muH)# mean and std of the PSD for the noise trajectoriesmuH_noise = np.zeros_like(muH)stdH_noise = np.zeros_like(muH)sigma_noise =1e2for idxH, H inenumerate(tqdm(Hs)): psdH = np.zeros((N, int(T/2))) psdH_noise = np.zeros((N, int(T/2)))for idxN in (range(N)):# Here we generate the clean trajectories and compute their PSD X = models_phenom().disp_fbm(D =1, alpha = H*2, T = T).cumsum() f, psd = periodogram(X) psdH[idxN] = psd[1:]# Now we noise the trajectories and compute their new PSD X_noise = X + np.random.randn(X.shape[0])*np.sqrt(sigma_noise) _, psd_noise = periodogram(X_noise) psdH_noise[idxN] = psd_noise[1:] muH[idxH] = psdH.mean(0) stdH[idxH] = psdH.std(0) muH_noise[idxH] = psdH_noise.mean(0) stdH_noise[idxH] = psdH_noise.std(0)
We can can now show what we previously calculated. The solid lines represent the clean trajectories while the shaded ones are the noisy. The dashed line in the left plot shows the expected scaling for subdiffusive trajectories while the point-dashed one is the expected scaling for normal and superdiffusive trajectories. The dashed line in the rightmost plot show the expected theoretical convergence for each type of diffusion. See more about this in “Towards a robust criterion of anomalous diffusion”, V. Sposini et al..