
Main class for generating datasets of theoretical trajectories. For details on this class, please check this tutorial.



 datasets_theory ()

This class generates, saves and loads datasets of theoretical trajectories simulated from various diffusion models (available at andi_datasets.models_theory).



 create_dataset (T, N_models, exponents, models, dimension=1,
                 save_trajectories=False, load_trajectories=False,
                 path='datasets/', N_save=1000, T_save=1000)

Creates a dataset of trajectories via the theoretical models defined in .models_theory. Check our tutorials for use cases of this function.

Type Default Details
T int Length of the trajectories.
N_models int, numpy.array - if int, number of trajectories per class (i.e. exponent and model) in the dataset.
- if numpy.array, number of trajectories per classes: size (number of models)x(number of classes)
exponents float, array Anomalous exponents to include in the dataset. Allows for two digit precision.
models bool, int, list Labels of the models to include in the dataset.
Correspodance between models and labels is given by self.label_correspodance, defined at init.
If int/list, choose the given models. If False, choose all of them.
dimension int 1
save_trajectories bool False If True, the module saves a .h5 file for each model considered, with N_save trajectories
and T = T_save.
load_trajectories bool False If True, the module loads the trajectories of an .h5 file.
path str datasets/ Path to the folder where to save/load the trajectories dataset.
N_save int 1000 Number of trajectories to save for each exponents/model.
Advise: save at the beggining a big dataset (t_save ~ 1e3 and N_save ~ 1e4)
which then allows you to load any other combiantion of T and N_models.
T_save int 1000
Returns numpy.array - Dataset of trajectories of lenght Nx(T+2), with the following structure:
o First column: model label
o Second column: value of the anomalous exponent
o 2:T columns: trajectories



 create_segmented_dataset (dataset1, dataset2, dimension=1,
                           final_length=200, random_shuffle=False)

Creates a dataset with trajectories which change diffusive feature (either model or anomalous exponent) after a time ‘t_change’.

Type Default Details
dataset1 numpy.array Array of size Nx(t+2), where the first columns values correspond
to the labels of the model and anomalous exponent. The rest
correspond to the trajectories of length t.
dataset2 numpy.array Same as dataset1
dimension int 1 Dimensions of the generated trajectories. Three possible values: 1, 2 and 3.
final_length int 200 Length of the output trajectories.
random_shuffle bool False If True, shuffles the first axis of dataset1 and dataset2.
Returns numpy.array Array of size Nx(t+5) whose columns represent:
o Column 0: changing time
o Column 1,2: labels first part of the trajectory (model, exponent)
o Column 3,4: labels second part of the trajectory (model, exponent)
o Column 5:(t+5): trajectories of lenght t.



 create_noisy_diffusion_dataset (dataset=False, T=False, N=False,
                                 exponents=False, models=False,
                                 path='datasets/', N_save=1000,

Create a dataset of noisy trajectories. This function creates trajectories with _create_trajectories and then adds given noise to them.
All arguments are the same as _create_trajectories but dataset and diffusion_coefficients.

Type Default Details
dataset bool False - If False, creates a dataset with the given parameters.
- If numpy array, dataset to which the function applies the noise.
T bool False
N bool False
exponents bool False
models bool False
dimension int 1
diffusion_coefficients bool False
save_trajectories bool False
load_trajectories bool False
path str datasets/
N_save int 1000
t_save int 1000
Returns numpy.array Dataset of trajectories of lenght Nx(T+2), with the following structure:
o First column: model label
o Second column: value of the anomalous exponent
o 2:T columns: trajectories



 create_noisy_localization_dataset (dataset=False, T=False, N=False,
                                    exponents=False, models=False,
                                    dimension=1, noise_func=False,
                                    sigma=1, mu=0,
                                    path='datasets/', N_save=1000,

Create a dataset of noisy trajectories. This function creates trajectories with _create_trajectories and then adds given noise to them.
All parameters are the same as _create_trajectories but noise_func.

Type Default Details
dataset bool False If False, creates a dataset with the given parameters.
If numpy array, dataset to which the function applies the noise.
T bool False
N bool False
exponents bool False
models bool False
dimension int 1
noise_func bool False If False, the noise added to the trajectories will be Gaussian distributed, with
variance sigma and mean value mu.
If function, uses the given function to generate noise to be added to the trajectory.
The function must have as input two ints, N and M and the output must be a matrix of size NxM.
sigma int 1
mu int 0
save_trajectories bool False
load_trajectories bool False
path str datasets/
N_save int 1000
t_save int 1000
Returns numpy.array Dataset of trajectories of lenght Nx(T+2), with the following structure:
o First column: model label
o Second column: value of the anomalous exponent
o 2:T columns: trajectories