
Managing data

Smoothing labels

These functions are used to smooth a given vector of labels of heterogeneous processes by means of majority filter. It allows to define a minimum segment length.



 label_filter (label:numpy.ndarray, window_size:int=5, min_seg:int=3)

Given a vector of changing labels, applies a majority filter to smoothen it. Then, enforces that the minimum segment of a particular label is bigger or equal to the given minimum segment length min_seg.

Type Default Details
label ndarray Vector to filter by majority vote
window_size int 5 Size of the window in which the majority filter is applied.
min_seg int 3 Minimum segment allowed in the output array
Returns ndarray Filtered label vector


We create a set of trajectories from models_phenom.multi_state with a high probability of changing states. This makes segments very short. We filter them to ensure that there is not segment smaller than the desired one.

fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize = (9, 5), tight_layout = True)
window_size = 5
min_seg = 3

for ax in axs.flatten():    
    traj, labs = models_phenom()._multiple_state_traj(T = 50, alphas = [0.7, 0.8], Ds = [0.01, 0.1], 
                                                     M = [[0.50, 0.50], [0.5, 0.5]])
    filtered_d = label_filter(labs[:,1],
                              min_seg = min_seg,
                              window_size = window_size)
    ax.plot(labs[:, 1], '.', label = 'True label')
    ax.plot(filtered_d, label = r'Filtered label')
axs[0,0].set_title(f'Majority filter with window size = {window_size}')
plt.setp(axs, xticklabels = [], yticklabels = []);

New population percentages after filtering

Note that smoothing the signal will have an effect on the actual proportion of time a particle spends in each state. This will be taken into account in the challenge. Here we showcase this effect:

T = 100
traj, labs = models_phenom().multi_state(N = 500, alphas = [[0.7, 1],[0.4,2]], Ds = [[0, 1], [1, 0]], T = T)
res_t = np.array([])
res_ft = np.array([])
for label in tqdm(labs.transpose(1,0,2)[:,:,0]):
    # raw labels
    CP = np.argwhere(label[1:] != label[:-1]).flatten()
    if CP[-1] != 199: CP = np.append(CP, T-1)
    CP = np.append(0, CP)

    res_t = np.append(res_t, CP[1:] - CP[:-1])
    # filtered labels
    filt = label_filter(label)
    CP_f = np.argwhere(filt[1:] != filt[:-1]).flatten()
    if CP_f[-1] != 199: CP_f = np.append(CP_f, T-1)
    CP_f = np.append(0, CP_f)

    res_ft = np.append(res_ft, CP_f[1:] - CP_f[:-1])

We show now the new transition rates (e.g. 1 over the residence time of a given state). Because we are minimum segment length of 3, we can actually approximate the filtered transition rate as the original times 2/3:

print(f' True transition rate: {1/np.mean(res_t)}\n',
      f'Filtered transition rate: {1/np.mean(res_ft)}\n',
      f'True rate x 2/3: {1/np.mean(res_t)*(2/3)}')
 True transition rate: 0.10947474747474747
 Filtered transition rate: 0.07402020202020201
 True rate x 2/3: 0.07298316498316498

Continuous labels to list of features

The labels in the challenge will be the list of \(n\) changepoints as well as the \(n+1\) diffusion properties (\(D\) and \(\alpha\)) for each segment. This function transforms the stepwise labels into three lists: CPs, \(\alpha\)s and \(D\)s.



 label_continuous_to_list (labs)

Given an array of T x 2 labels containing the anomalous exponent and diffusion coefficient at each timestep, returns 3 arrays, each containing the changepoints, exponents and coefficient, respectively. If labs is size T x 3, then we consider that diffusive states are given and also return those.

Type Details
labs array T x 2 or T x 3 labels containing the anomalous exponent, diffusion
and diffusive state.
Returns tuple - First element is the list of change points
- The rest are corresponding segment properties (order: alpha, Ds and states)
# Generate the trajectory
trajs, labels = models_phenom().multi_state(N = 1, T = 50)

# Transform the labels:
CP, alphas, Ds, _ = label_continuous_to_list(labels[:,-1,:])

plt.figure(figsize=(5, 3))
plt.plot(labels[:, -1, 1], 'o', alpha = 0.4, label = 'Continuous label')
plt.scatter(CP-1, Ds, c = 'C1', label = 'CP-1 and value of previous segment')
plt.legend(); plt.xlabel('T'); plt.ylabel(r'$\alpha$')
Text(0, 0.5, '$\\alpha$')

List of features to continuous labels

This function does the opposite from than label_continuous_to_list. From a list of properties as the one used in ANDI 2 challenge, creates continuous labels.



 label_list_to_continuous (CP, label)

Given a list of change points and the labels of the diffusion properties of the resulting segments, generates and array of continuous labels. The last change point indicates the array length.

Type Details
CP array, list list of change points. Last change point indicates label length.
label array, list list of segment properties
Returns array Continuous label created from the given change points and segment properties
CP = [3,24,34]
label = [0.5, 0.4, 1]
cont = label_list_to_continuous(CP, label)
plt.figure(figsize = (3,1))
plt.plot(cont, c = 'C1')
[plt.axvline(c, c = 'k', ls = '--') for c in CP[:-1]];

Storing array data in dataframe



 array_to_df (trajs, labels, min_length=10, fov_origin=[0, 0],
              fov_length=100.0, cutoff_length=10)

Given arrays for the position and labels of trajectories, creates a dataframe with that data. The function also applies the demanded FOV. If you don’t want a field of view, chose a FOV length bigger (smaller) that your maximum (minimum) trajectory position.

Type Default Details
trajs array Trajectories to store in the df (dimension: T x N x 3)
labels array Labels to store in the df (dimension: T x N x 3)
min_length int 10
fov_origin list [0, 0] Bottom left point of the square defining the FOV.
fov_length float 100.0 Size of the box defining the FOV.
cutoff_length int 10 Minimum length of a trajectory inside the FOV to be considered in the output dataset.
Returns tuple - df_in (dataframe): dataframe with trajectories
- df_out (datafram): dataframe with labels
#trajs, labels = models_phenom().multi_state(T = 200, N = 10, alphas=[0.5, 1], Ds = [1,1], L = 100)
trajs, labels = models_phenom().single_state(T = 200, N = 10)

# Changing dimensions
trajs = trajs.transpose((1, 0, 2)).copy()
labels = labels.transpose(1, 0, 2)

df_in, df_out = array_to_df(trajs, labels)
traj_idx Ds alphas states changepoints
0 0 [1.0] [1.0] [2.0] [115]
1 1 [1.0] [1.0] [2.0] [22]
2 2 [1.0] [1.0] [2.0] [10]
3 3 [1.0] [1.0] [2.0] [39]
4 4 [1.0] [1.0] [2.0] [28]

Transform ANDI dataframe to array with padding



 df_to_array (df, pad=-1)

Transform a dataframe as the ones given in the ANDI 2 challenge (i.e. 4 columns: traj_idx, frame, x, y) into a numpy array. To deal with irregular temporal supports, we pad the array whenever the trajectory is not present. The output array has the typical shape of ANDI datasets: TxNx2

Type Default Details
df dataframe Dataframe with four columns ‘traj_idx’: the trajectory index, ‘frame’ the time frame and
‘x’ and ‘y’ the positions of the particle.
pad int -1 Number to use as padding.
Returns array Array containing the trajectories from the dataframe, with usual ANDI shape (TxNx2).

Reorganize folder for challenge if non-overlapping FOVS

The outputs of datasets_challenge.challenge_phenom_dataset are not in the appropriate form if one considers the case of non-overlapping FOVS. The latter means that instead of taking n_fovs from the same experiment, we repeat the same experiment n_fovs times. This functions rearranges the folders to get the proper structure proposed in the paper.



 file_nonOverlap_reOrg (raw_folder:pathlib.Path,
                        target_folder:pathlib.Path, experiments:int,
                        num_fovs:int, tracks=[1, 2], save_labels=False,
                        task=['single', 'ensemble'],

This considers that you have n_fovs*n_experiments ‘fake’ experiments and organize them based on the challenge instructions

Type Default Details
raw_folder Path Original folder with data produced by datasets_challenge.challenge_phenom_dataset
target_folder Path Folder where to put reorganized files
experiments int Number of experiments
num_fovs int Number of FOVS
tracks list [1, 2] Track to consider
save_labels bool False If True, moves all data (also labels,.. etc). Do True only if saving reference / groundtruth data.
Moreover, if True also save the trajectories for the video track
task list [‘single’, ‘ensemble’] Which task to consider
print_percentage bool True If True prints, the percentage of states for each experiment

Isolate VIP particles



 get_VIP (array_trajs, num_vip=5, min_distance_part=2, pad=-1,
          boundary=False, boundary_origin=(0, 0), min_distance_bound=0,

Given an array of trajectories, finds the particles VIP particles that participants will need to characterize in the video trakcl.

The function first finds the particles that exist at frame 0 (i.e. that their first value is different from pad). Then, iterates over this particles to find num_vip that are at distance > than min_distance_part in the first frame.

Type Default Details
array_trajs array Position of the trajectories that will be considered for the VIP search.
num_vip int 5 Number of VIP particles to flag.
min_distance_part int 2 Minimum distance between two VIP particles.
pad int -1 Number used to indicate in the temporal support that the particle is outside of the FOV.
boundary bool False If float, defines the length of the box acting as boundary
boundary_origin tuple (0, 0) X and Y coords of the boundary
min_distance_bound int 0 Minimum distance a particles has to be from the boundary in ordered to be considered a VIP particle
sort_length bool True If True, candidates for VIP particles are choosen in descending trajectory length. This ensures
that the longest ones are chosen.
Returns list List of indices of the chosen VIP particles
# define random trajectories
array_trajs = np.random.rand(200,10, 2)*10
# insert paddings to make first trajectories finish earlier
pad = -1
array_trajs[100, :,:] = pad
array_trajs[0,3,0] = pad
(200, 10, 2)
get_VIP(array_trajs, num_vip = 5, min_distance_part = 0, pad = pad, 
        boundary = 10, boundary_origin = (0,0), min_distance_bound = 0,
        sort_length = True)
[0, 1, 2, 4, 5]

ANDI 2 challenge metrics

Setting maximum erros for different metrics

Changepoint pairing

We use an assignment algorithm to pair predicted and groundtruth changepoints. From there, we will calculate the various metrics of the challenge.



 changepoint_assignment (GT, preds)

Given a list of groundtruth and predicted changepoints, solves the assignment problem via the Munkres algorithm (aka Hungarian algorithm) and returns two arrays containing the index of the paired groundtruth and predicted changepoints, respectively.

The distance between change point is the Euclidean distance.

Type Details
GT list List of groundtruth change points.
preds list List of predicted change points.
Returns tuple - tuple of two arrays, each corresponding to the assigned GT and pred changepoints
- Cost matrix
ngts = 10; npreds = 6; T = 100
GT = np.sort(np.random.choice(np.arange(1,T), ngts, replace = False))
preds = np.sort(np.random.choice(np.arange(1,T)*0.5, npreds, replace = False)).astype(int)
print('GT:', GT)
print('Pred:', preds)
changepoint_assignment(GT, preds)[0]
GT: [ 2  8 24 33 34 54 55 64 73 85]
Pred: [ 8 11 16 30 36 47]
(array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype=int64),
 array([1, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype=int64))



 changepoint_alpha_beta (GT, preds, threshold=10)

Calculate the alpha and beta measure of paired changepoints. Inspired from Supplemantary Note 3 in https://www.nature.com/articles/nmeth.2808

Type Default Details
GT list List of groundtruth change points.
preds list List of predicted change points.
threshold int 10 Distance from which predictions are considered to have failed. They are then assigned this number.
Returns tuple alpha, beta
labels = [r'Random Guess + $N_p>N_{gt}$',
          r'Random Guess + $N_p<N_{gt}$',
          r'GT + rand $\in [-3, 3]$',
          r'GT + rand $\in [-1, 1]$']

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (4,3))
alpha = 0.2

T = 200; ngts = 15; 

for case, (label, color) in enumerate(zip(labels, ['C0', 'C1', 'C2', 'C3'])):

    alphas, betas = [], []
    for _ in range(100):
        GT = np.sort(np.random.choice(np.arange(1,T), ngts, replace = False))
        if case == 0:
            npreds = np.random.randint(low = ngts, high = ngts*2)
            preds = np.sort(np.random.choice(np.arange(1,T), npreds, replace = False)) 
        elif case == 1:
            npreds = np.random.randint(low = 1, high = ngts)
            preds = np.sort(np.random.choice(np.arange(1,T), npreds, replace = False))     
        elif case == 2:
            preds = GT + np.random.randint(-3, 3, ngts)
        elif case == 3:
            preds = GT + np.random.randint(-1, 1, ngts)
        alpha, beta = changepoint_alpha_beta(GT, preds)
    ax.scatter(alphas, betas, c = color, alpha = alpha)
    ax.scatter(np.mean(alphas), np.mean(betas), c = color, label = label, s = 50, marker = 's', edgecolors = 'k')
plt.setp(ax, xlabel = r'$\alpha$', ylabel = r'$\beta$')
ax.legend(loc = (1.01,0.4))



 jaccard_index (TP:int, FP:int, FN:int)

Given the true positive, false positive and false negative rates, calculates the Jaccard Index

Type Details
TP int true positive
FP int false positive
FN int false negative
Returns float Jaccard Index



 single_changepoint_error (GT, preds, threshold=5)

Given the groundtruth and predicted changepoints for a single trajectory, first solves the assignment problem between changepoints, then calculates the RMSE of the true positive pairs and the Jaccard index.

Type Default Details
GT list List of groundtruth change points.
preds list List of predicted change points.
threshold int 5 Distance from which predictions are considered to have failed. They are then assigned this number.
Returns tuple - TP_rmse: root mean square error of the true positive change points.
- Jaccard Index of the ensemble predictions



 ensemble_changepoint_error (GT_ensemble, pred_ensemble, threshold=5)

Given an ensemble of groundtruth and predicted change points, iterates over each trajectory’s changepoints. For each, it solves the assignment problem between changepoints. Then, calculates the RMSE of the true positive pairs and the Jaccard index over the ensemble of changepoints (i.e. not the mean of them w.r.t. to the trajectories)

Type Default Details
GT_ensemble list, array Ensemble of groutruth change points.
pred_ensemble list Ensemble of predicted change points.
threshold int 5 Distance from which predictions are considered to have failed. They are then assigned this number.
Returns tuple - TP_rmse: root mean square error of the true positive change points.
- Jaccard Index of the ensemble predictions
labels = ['Random Guess + Incorrect number',
          r'GT + rand $\in [-3, 3]$',
          r'GT + rand $\in [-1, 1]$']

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (3,3))
alpha = 0.2

T = 200; ngts = 10; npreds = 8

for case, (label, color) in enumerate(zip(labels, ['C0', 'C1', 'C2'])):
    rmse, ji = [], []
    GT, preds = [], []
    for _ in range(100):

        GT.append(np.sort(np.random.choice(np.arange(1,T), ngts, replace = False)))
        if case == 0:
            preds.append(np.sort(np.random.choice(np.arange(1,T), npreds, replace = False)))                  
        elif case == 1:
            preds.append(GT[-1] + np.random.randint(-3, 3, ngts))
        elif case == 2:
            preds.append(GT[-1] + np.random.randint(-1, 1, ngts))

        assignment, _ = changepoint_assignment(GT[-1], preds[-1])
        assignment = np.array(assignment)

        RMSE, JI = single_changepoint_error(GT[-1], preds[-1], threshold = 5)     

    rmse_e, ji_e = ensemble_changepoint_error(GT, preds, threshold = 5)
    ax.scatter(rmse, ji, c = color, alpha = alpha)
    ax.scatter(rmse_e, ji_e, c = color, label = label, s = 50, marker = 's', edgecolors = 'k')
plt.setp(ax, xlabel = 'TP RMSE', ylabel = 'Jaccard')
ax.legend(loc = (0.91,0.4))

Segments pairing

Here we focus on pairing the segments arising from a list of changepoints. We will use this to latter compare the predicted physical properties for each segment



 create_binary_segment (CP:list, T:int)

Given a set of changepoints and the lenght of the trajectory, create segments which are equal to one if the segment takes place at that position and zero otherwise.

Type Details
CP list list of changepoints
T int length of the trajectory
Returns list list of arrays with value 1 in the temporal support of the current segment.
T= 50
GT = np.sort(np.random.choice(np.arange(1,T), 10, replace = False))
plt.figure(figsize = (4,3))
for idx, x in enumerate(create_binary_segment(GT, T)):
    plt.plot(x*idx, 'o')



 jaccard_between_segments (gt, pred)

Given two segments, calculates the Jaccard index between them by considering TP as correct labeling, FN as missed events and FP leftover predictions.

Type Details
gt array groundtruth segment, equal to one in the temporal support of the given segment, zero otherwise.
pred array predicted segment, equal to one in the temporal support of the given segment, zero otherwise.
Returns float Jaccard index between the given segments.



 segment_assignment (GT, preds, T:int=None)

Given a list of groundtruth and predicted changepoints, generates a set of segments. Then constructs a cost matrix by calculting the Jaccard Index between segments. From this cost matrix, we solve the assignment problem via the Munkres algorithm (aka Hungarian algorithm) and returns two arrays containing the index of the groundtruth and predicted segments, respectively.

If T = None, then we consider that GT and preds may have different lenghts. In that case, the end of the segments is the the last CP of each set of CPs.

Type Default Details
GT list List of groundtruth change points.
preds list List of predicted change points.
T int None Length of the trajectory. If None, considers different GT and preds length.
Returns tuple - tuple of two arrays, each corresponding to the assigned GT and pred changepoints
- Cost matrix calculated via JI of segments


Predictions close to groundtruth

T = 200; 
ngts = 10; 
GT = np.sort(np.random.choice(np.arange(1,T), ngts, replace = False))
preds = np.sort(GT + np.random.randint(-5, 5, 1) )

seg_GT = create_binary_segment(GT, T)
seg_preds = create_binary_segment(preds, T)   

[row_ind, col_ind], cost_matrix = segment_assignment(GT, preds, T)

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 5, figsize = (15, 6))
for r, c, ax in zip(row_ind, col_ind, axs.flatten()):
    ax.set_title(f'1 - JI = {np.round(cost_matrix[r, c], 2)}')
    ax.plot(seg_GT[r], label = 'Groundtruth')
    ax.plot(seg_preds[c], label = 'Prediction')

Different size between predictions and trues

T1 = 200; T2 = 100
ngts = 10; 
GT = np.sort(np.random.choice(np.arange(1,T1), ngts, replace = False))
preds = np.sort(np.random.choice(np.arange(1,T2), 5, replace = False))

seg_GT = create_binary_segment(GT, T1)
seg_preds = create_binary_segment(preds, T2)   

[row_ind, col_ind], cost_matrix = segment_assignment(GT, preds)

fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 5, figsize = (15, 3))
for r, c, ax in zip(row_ind, col_ind, axs.flatten()):
    ax.set_title(f'1 - JI = {np.round(cost_matrix[r, c], 2)}')
    ax.plot(seg_GT[r], label = 'Groundtruth')
    ax.plot(seg_preds[c], label = 'Prediction')

Predictions very different to groundtruth

T = 200;
ngts = 5; npreds = 5;
GT = np.sort(np.random.choice(np.arange(1,T), ngts, replace = False))
preds = np.sort(np.random.choice(np.arange(1,T), npreds, replace = False))  

seg_GT = create_binary_segment(GT, T)
seg_preds = create_binary_segment(preds, T)

[row_ind, col_ind], cost_matrix = segment_assignment(GT, preds, T)

fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 5, figsize = (15, 3))
for r, c, ax in zip(row_ind, col_ind, axs.flatten()):
    ax.set_title(f'1 - JI = {np.round(cost_matrix[r, c], 2)}')
    ax.plot(seg_GT[r], label = 'Groundtruth')
    ax.plot(seg_preds[c], label = 'Prediction')

Segment properties comparison

We use the segment pairing functions that we have defined above to compute various metrics between the properties of predicted and groundtruth segments.

Metrics of segment properties



 metric_diffusive_state (gt=None, pred=None)

Compute the F1 score between diffusive states.



 metric_diffusion_coefficient (gt=None, pred=None, threshold_min=1e-12,

Compute the mean squared log error (msle) between diffusion coefficients. Checks the current bounds of diffusion from models_phenom to calculate the maximum error.



 metric_anomalous_exponent (gt=None, pred=None, max_error=1.999)

Compute the mean absolute error (mae) between anomalous exponents. Checks the current bounds of anomalous exponents from models_phenom to calculate the maximum error.

x = np.random.rand(100)
y = np.random.rand(100)
metric_diffusion_coefficient(x+2,y+2, threshold_min=-2)

Pairing and metrics calculation



 check_no_changepoints (GT_cp, GT_alpha, GT_D, GT_s, preds_cp,
                        preds_alpha, preds_D, preds_s, T:bool|int=None)

Given predicionts over changepoints and variables, checks if in both GT and preds there is an absence of change point. If so, takes that into account to pair variables.

Type Default Details
GT_cp list, int, float Groundtruth change points
GT_alpha list, float Groundtruth anomalous exponent
GT_D list, float Groundtruth diffusion coefficient
GT_s list, float Groundtruth diffusive state
preds_cp list, int, float Predicted change points
preds_alpha list, float Predicted anomalous exponent
preds_D list, float Predicted diffusion coefficient
preds_s list, float Predicted diffusive state
T bool | int None (optional) Length of the trajectories. If none, last change point is length.
Returns tuple - False if there are change points. True if there were missing change points.
- Next three are either all Nones if change points were detected, or paired exponents,
coefficient and states if some change points were missing.



 segment_property_errors (GT_cp, GT_alpha, GT_D, GT_s, preds_cp,
                          preds_alpha, preds_D, preds_s,
                          return_pairs=False, T=None)

Given predicionts over change points and the value of diffusion parameters in the generated segments, computes the defined metrics.

Type Default Details
GT_cp list, int, float Groundtruth change points
GT_alpha list, float Groundtruth anomalous exponent
GT_D list, float Groundtruth diffusion coefficient
GT_s list, float Groundtruth diffusive state
preds_cp list, int, float Predicted change points
preds_alpha list, float Predicted anomalous exponent
preds_D list, float Predicted diffusion coefficient
preds_s list, float Predicted diffusive state
return_pairs bool False If True, returns the assigment pairs for each diffusive property.
T NoneType None (optional) Length of the trajectories. If none, last change point is length.
Returns tuple - if return_pairs = True, returns the assigned pairs of diffusive properties
- if return_pairs = False, returns the errors for each diffusive property

We generate some random predictions to check how the metrics behave. We consider errors also in the change point predictions, hence there will be some segment mismatchings, which will affect the diffusive properties predictions:

T = 200; 
ngts = 10; 
errors_alpha = np.linspace(0, 1, ngts)
errors_d = np.linspace(0, 10, ngts)
errors_s = np.linspace(0, 1, ngts)

metric_a, metric_d, metric_s = [], [], []
for error_a, error_d, error_s in zip(errors_alpha, errors_d, errors_s):
    la, ld, ls = [], [], []
    for _ in range(100):

        GT_cp = np.sort(np.random.choice(np.arange(1,T-1), ngts, replace = False))
        preds_cp = np.sort(np.random.choice(np.arange(1,T-1), ngts, replace = False)) 

        GT_alpha = np.random.rand(GT_cp.shape[0]+1)
        preds_alpha = GT_alpha + np.random.randn(preds_cp.shape[0]+1)*error_a

        GT_D = np.abs(np.random.randn(GT_cp.shape[0]+1)*10)
        preds_D = GT_D + np.abs(np.random.randn(preds_cp.shape[0]+1))*error_d
        GT_s = np.random.randint(0, 5, GT_cp.shape[0]+1)
        coin = np.random.rand(len(GT_s))
        preds_s = GT_s.copy()
        preds_s[coin < error_s] = np.random.randint(0, 5, len(coin[coin < error_s]))

        m_a, m_d, m_s = segment_property_errors(GT_cp, GT_alpha, GT_D, GT_s, preds_cp, preds_alpha, preds_D, preds_s, T = T)
        la.append(m_a); ld.append(m_d); ls.append(m_s)

With no error in the changepoint predicitions:

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize = (9, 3), tight_layout = True)

ax[0].plot(np.arange(ngts), errors_alpha, c = 'C0', ls = '--', label = 'Expected with no assigment error')
ax[0].plot(np.arange(ngts), metric_a, c = 'C0')
ax[0].set_title(r'Error in $\alpha$ (MAE)')

#ax[1].plot(np.arange(ngts), errors_d, c = 'C1', ls = '--')
ax[1].plot(np.arange(ngts), metric_d, c = 'C1')
ax[1].set_title(r'Error in $D$ (MSLE)')

ax[2].plot(np.arange(ngts), metric_s, c = 'C1')
ax[2].set_title(r'Error in states (JI)')

plt.setp(ax, xlabel = 'Error magnitude')
[Text(0.5, 0, 'Error magnitude'),
 Text(0.5, 0, 'Error magnitude'),
 Text(0.5, 0, 'Error magnitude')]

With error in the changepoint predicitions:

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize = (9, 3), tight_layout = True)

ax[0].plot(np.arange(ngts), errors_alpha, c = 'C0', ls = '--', label = 'Expected with no assigment error')
ax[0].plot(np.arange(ngts), metric_a, c = 'C0')
ax[0].set_title(r'Error in $\alpha$ (MAE)')

#ax[1].plot(np.arange(ngts), errors_d, c = 'C1', ls = '--')
ax[1].plot(np.arange(ngts), metric_d, c = 'C1')
ax[1].set_title(r'Error in $D$ (MSLE)')

ax[2].plot(np.arange(ngts), metric_s, c = 'C1')
ax[2].set_title(r'Error in states (JI)')

plt.setp(ax, xlabel = 'Error magnitude')
[Text(0.5, 0, 'Error magnitude'),
 Text(0.5, 0, 'Error magnitude'),
 Text(0.5, 0, 'Error magnitude')]

Ensemble metrics

Get ensemble information



 extract_ensemble (state_label, dic)

Given an array of the diffusive state and a dictionary with the diffusion information, returns a summary of the ensemble properties for the current dataset.

Type Details
state_label array Array containing the diffusive state of the particles in the dataset.
For multi-state and dimerization, this must be the number associated to the
state (for dimerization, 0 is free, 1 is dimerized). For the rest, we follow
the numeration of models_phenom().lab_state.
dic dict Dictionary containing the information of the input dataset.
Returns array Matrix containing the ensemble information of the input dataset. It has the following shape:
|mu_alpha1 mu_alpha2 … |
|sigma_alpha1 sigma_alpha2 … |
|mu_D1 mu_D1 … |
|sigma_D1 sigma_D2 … |
|counts_state1 counts_state2 … |

Generate distribution and distances



 multimode_dist (params, weights, bound, x, normalized=False,

Generates a multimodal distribution with given parameters. Also accounts for single mode if weight is float or int.

Type Default Details
params list Mean and variances of every mode.
weights list, float Weight of every mode. If float, we consider a single mode.
bound tuple Bounds (min, max) of the functions support.
x array Support upon which the distribution is created.
normalized bool False
min_var float 1e-09
# True distribution
x = np.logspace(np.log10(models_phenom().bound_D[0]), 
                      np.log10(models_phenom().bound_D[1]), 100)
weights = [0.0005,0.9]
params_true = [[0.0,0],[1.5,0.5]]
true = multimode_dist(params_true, weights, bound = models_phenom().bound_D, x = x, normalized = False, min_var=1e-9)
plt.semilogx(x, true)



 distribution_distance (p:<built-infunctionarray>, q:<built-
                        infunctionarray>, x:<built-infunctionarray>=None,

Calculates distance between two distributions.

Type Default Details
p array distribution 1
q array distribution 2
x array None support of the distributions (not needed for MAE)
metric str wasserstein distance metric (either ‘wasserstein’ or ‘mae’)
Returns float distance between distributions

Tests distance

Normal scenario
means = np.linspace(0, 2, 30)
normalize = False
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 4))
gs = fig.add_gridspec(2, 10)

# True distribution
x = np.arange(0, 3, 0.01)
params = [[1.7,0.01]]
weights = [1]
true = multimode_dist(params, weights, bound = [0, 3], x = x, normalized = normalize)

range_x = (1,2)
idx_range = np.argwhere((x>range_x[0]) & (x<range_x[1])).flatten()

MSE = []
wass = []
for idx, mean in enumerate(means):
    params = [[mean, 0.01]]
    weights = [1]
    pred = multimode_dist(params, weights, bound = [0, 3], x = x, normalized = normalize)  
    MSE.append(distribution_distance(true, pred, metric = 'mae'))  
    wass.append(distribution_distance(true, pred, x))  
    if idx % 3 == 0:
        ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, int(idx/3)])
        ax.plot(x, true, label = 'True')
        ax.plot(x, pred, label = 'Predicted')        
        plt.setp(ax, yticks = []);
    if idx == 0:
ax_dist = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, :])
ax_dist.plot(MSE, '-o', label = 'MAE')
ax_dist.plot(wass, '-o', label = 'wasserstein')
plt.setp(ax_dist, ylabel = 'MAE')

Having a variance = 0 (as in immobile)


means = np.linspace(0, 2, 30)
normalize = False

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 7))
gs = fig.add_gridspec(4, 10)

# True distribution
x = np.arange(0, 3, 0.01)
weights = [0.3, 0.9]

params_var0 = [[0,0.0],[1,0.1]]
true_var0 = multimode_dist(params_var0, weights, bound = [0, 3], x = x, normalized = normalize)

params = [[0,0.1],[1,0.1]]
true = multimode_dist(params, weights, bound = [0, 3], x = x, normalized = normalize)

wass_var0 = []
wass = []
mae_var0 = []
mae = []
for idx, mean in enumerate(means):
    params = [[mean, 0.01]]
    weights = [1]
    pred = multimode_dist(params, weights, bound = [0, 3], x = x, normalized = normalize)  
    wass_var0.append(distribution_distance(true_var0, pred, x))  
    wass.append(distribution_distance(true, pred, x))  
    mae_var0.append(distribution_distance(true_var0, pred, metric = 'mae'))  
    mae.append(distribution_distance(true, pred, metric = 'mae'))  
    if idx % 3 == 0:
        ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, int(idx/3)])
        ax0.plot(x, np.log(true_var0), label = 'log(True)', c = 'C0')
        ax0.plot(x, pred, label = 'Predicted', c = 'k')        
        plt.setp(ax0, yticks = [], ylim = (-5, 5));
        ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, int(idx/3)])
        ax.plot(x, true, label = 'True', c = 'C1')
        ax.plot(x, pred, label = 'Predicted', c = 'k')        
        plt.setp(ax, yticks = []);
    if idx == 0:

ax_wass = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, :])
ax_wass.plot(wass_var0, '-o', label = 'Var_0 = 0')
ax_wass.plot(wass, '-o', label = r'Var_0 $\neq$ 0')
ax_wass.set_ylabel('wass dist')

ax_mse = fig.add_subplot(gs[3, :])
ax_mse.plot(mae_var0, '-o', label = 'Var_0 = 0')
ax_mse.plot(mae, '-o', label = r'Var_0 $\neq$ 0')
ax_mse.set_ylabel('mse dist')

# ax_dist.grid()
Text(0, 0.5, 'mse dist')

Checking how variance of predicted affects Wasserstein distance:
variances = np.logspace(-12, -1,300)
# True distribution
x = np.logspace(-12, 1, 10000)
weights = [1]
params_true = [[0.0,0]]
true = multimode_dist(params_true, weights, bound = [1e-9, 3], x = x, normalized = normalize, min_var=1e-7)

dist = []
for idx, var in enumerate(variances):
    params = [[0.5, var]]
    weights = [1]
    pred = multimode_dist(params, weights, bound = [1e-9, 3], x = x, normalized = normalize, min_var=1e-7)  
    dist.append(distribution_distance(true, pred, x=x))  
plt.plot(variances, np.array(dist)+1, 'o')
plt.axvline(params_true[0][1], c = 'k', label = 'True variance')

plt.xlabel('Variance prediction')
plt.ylabel('Wasserstein distance')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Wasserstein distance')

Checking if we are considering a peak at 0

# True distribution
x = np.logspace(np.log10(models_phenom().bound_D[0]), 
                      np.log10(models_phenom().bound_D[1]), 100)
weights = [0.0005,0.9]
params_true = [[0.0,0],[1.5,0.5]]
true = multimode_dist(params_true, weights, bound = models_phenom().bound_D, x = x, normalized = normalize)
plt.plot(x, true)

Testing maximum value of Wasserstein distance for considered \(\alpha\) and \(D\) ranges

from andi_datasets.utils_challenge import multimode_dist, distribution_distance
min_a, max_a = models_phenom().bound_alpha[0], models_phenom().bound_alpha[1]
x = np.arange(min_a, max_a, 0.01)
normalize = False
distmax = multimode_dist([[max_a,0.0001]], [1], bound = [min_a, max_a], x = x, normalized = normalize)
distmin = multimode_dist([[min_a,0.0001]], [1], bound = [min_a, max_a], x = x, normalized = normalize)
distribution_distance(distmax, distmin, x)
min_d, max_d = models_phenom().bound_D[0], models_phenom().bound_D[1]
x = np.logspace(np.log10(models_phenom().bound_D[0]), 
                      np.log10(models_phenom().bound_D[1]), 100)
distmax = multimode_dist([[max_d,0.1]], [1], bound = [min_d, max_d], x = x, normalized = normalize)
distmin = multimode_dist([[min_d,0.01]], [1], bound = [min_d, max_d], x = x, normalized = normalize)
distribution_distance(distmax, distmin, x)

Calculate ensemble metric



 error_Ensemble_dataset (true_data, pred_data, size_support=1000000,
                         metric='wasserstein', return_distributions=False)

Calculates the ensemble metrics for the ANDI 2 challenge. The input are matrices of shape:

col1 (state 1) col2 (state 2) col3 (state 3)
\(\mu_a^1\) \(\mu_a^2\) \(\mu_a^3\)
\(\sigma_a^1\) \(\sigma_a^2\) \(\sigma_a^3\)
\(\mu_D^1\) \(\mu_D^2\) \(\mu_D^3\)
\(\sigma_D^1\) \(\sigma_D^2\) \(\sigma_D^3\)
\(N_1\) \(N_2\) \(N_3\)
Type Default Details
true_data array Matrix containing the groundtruth data.
pred_data array Matrix containing the predicted data.
size_support int 1000000 size of the support of the distributions
metric str wasserstein metric used to calculate distance between distributions
return_distributions bool False If True, the function also outputs the generated distributions.
Returns tuple - distance_alpha: distance between anomalous exponents
- distance_D: distance between diffusion coefficients
- dists (if asked): distributions of both groundtruth and predicted data. Order: true_a, true_D, pred_a, pred_D
track = 1
# Choose the paths
PATH_PRED = f'../../testing/data/fourth_round/pred_carlo/Track{track}/'
PATH_TRUE = '../../testing/data/fourth_round/true/fourth_round/'

distance_D, distance_alpha = [], []
for exp in [2]:
    true = np.loadtxt(PATH_TRUE+f'exp_{exp}/ensemble_labels.txt', skiprows = 1, delimiter = ';')
    pred = np.loadtxt(PATH_PRED+f'exp_{exp}/ensemble_pred.txt', skiprows = 1, delimiter = ';')
    df_true = pandas.DataFrame(data = true.reshape(1,5) if exp == 1 else true.transpose(), 
                           columns = [r'mean $\alpha$', r'var $\alpha$', r'mean $D$', r'var $D$', '% residence time'])
    df_pred = pandas.DataFrame(data = pred.reshape(1,5) if exp == 1 else pred.transpose(), 
                           columns = [r'mean $\alpha$', r'var $\alpha$', r'mean $D$', r'var $D$', '% residence time'])

#     print(f'Experiment {exp}: \nGroundtruth:')
#     display(df_true)
#     print('Prediction:')
#     display(df_pred)
#     print('------ \n')

    distance_a_exp, distance_D_exp, dists = error_Ensemble_dataset(true, pred, return_distributions = True)

print(f'Distance distribution D = {np.mean(distance_D)}')
print(fr'Distance distribution $\alpha$ = {np.mean(distance_alpha)}')
Distance distribution D = 0.06045239400247898
Distance distribution $\alpha$ = 0.10273932574583697

Single trajectory metrics

The participants will have to output predictions in a .txt file were each line corresponds to the predictions of a trajectory. The latter have to be ordered as:

0, d\(_0\), a\(_0\), s\(_0\), t\(_1\), d\(_1\), a\(_1\), s\(_1\), t\(_2\), d\(_2\), a\(_2\), s\(_2\), …. t\(_n\), d\(_n\), a\(_n\), s\(_n\),\(T\)

where the first number corresponds to the trajectory index, then d\(_i\), a\(_i\), s\(_i\) correspond to the diffusion coefficient, anomalous exponent and diffusive state of the \(i\)-th segment. For the latter, we have the following code: - 0: immobile - 1: confined - 2: free (unconstrained) - 3: directed

Last, t\(_j\) corresponds to the \(j\)-th changepoints. The last changepoint \(T\) corresponds to the length of the trajectory. Each prediction must contain \(C\) changepoints and \(C\) segments property values. If this is not fulfilled, the whole trajectory is considered as mispredicted.

The .txt file will be first inspected. The data will then be collected into a dataframe



 check_prediction_length (pred)

Given a trajectory segments prediction, checks whether it has C changepoints and C+1 segments properties values. As it must also contain the index of the trajectory, this is summarized by being multiple of 4. In some cases, the user needs to also predict the final point of the trajectory. In this case, we will have a residu of 1.



 separate_prediction_values (pred)

Given a prediction over trjaectory segments, extracts the predictions for each segment property as well as the changepoint values.



 load_file_to_df (path_file, columns=['traj_idx', 'Ds', 'alphas',
                  'states', 'changepoints'])

Given the path of a .txt file, extract the segmentation predictions based on the rules of the ANDI 2 challenge022

Saving fake data for test

file_gt, file_p = [], []
T = 200; ngts = 10;
for traj in range(100):
    GT_cp = np.sort(np.random.choice(np.arange(1,T), ngts, replace = False))
    preds_cp = np.sort(np.random.choice(np.arange(1,T+50), ngts, replace = False)) 

    GT_alpha = np.random.rand(GT_cp.shape[0]+1)
    preds_alpha = GT_alpha# + 0.1 #np.random.randn(preds_cp.shape[0]+1)*0.1

    GT_D = np.abs(np.random.randn(GT_cp.shape[0]+1)*10)
    preds_D = GT_D + 1.5 #np.abs(np.random.randn(preds_cp.shape[0]+1))*1.6
    GT_state = np.random.randint(0, high = 5, size = GT_cp.shape[0]+1)
    preds_state = np.random.randint(0, high = 5, size = preds_cp.shape[0]+1)
    list_gt, list_p = [traj, GT_D[0], GT_alpha[0], GT_state[0]], [traj, preds_D[0], preds_alpha[0], preds_state[0]]
    for gtc, gta, gtd, gts, pc, pa, pd, ps in zip(GT_cp, GT_alpha[1:], GT_D[1:], GT_state[1:], preds_cp, preds_alpha[1:], preds_D[1:], preds_state[1:]):
        list_gt += [gtc, gtd, gta, gts]
        list_p += [pc, pd, pa, ps]
    if traj != 6:
pred_path, true_path = 'pred_test.txt', 'true_test.txt'
np.savetxt(true_path, file_gt, delimiter=',')
np.savetxt(pred_path, file_p, delimiter=',')

Recovering the data

pred_path, true_path = 'pred_test.txt', 'true_test.txt'

df_pred = load_file_to_df(pred_path)
df_true = load_file_to_df(true_path)



 error_SingleTraj_dataset (df_pred, df_true, threshold_error_alpha=None,
                           max_val_alpha=2, min_val_alpha=0,
                           threshold_error_D=None, max_val_D=1000000.0,
                           min_val_D=1e-06, threshold_error_s=None,
                           threshold_cp=None, prints=True,

Given two dataframes, corresponding to the predictions and true labels of a set of trajectories from the ANDI 2 challenge022, calculates the corresponding metrics Columns must be for both (no order needed): traj_idx | alphas | Ds | changepoints | states df_true must also contain a column ‘T’.

Type Default Details
df_pred dataframe Predictions
df_true dataframe Groundtruth
threshold_error_alpha NoneType None (same for D, s, cp) Maximum possible error allowed. If bigger, it is substituted by this error.
max_val_alpha int 2 (same for D, s, cp) Maximum value of the parameter.
min_val_alpha int 0 (same for D, s, cp) Minimum value of the parameter.
threshold_error_D NoneType None
max_val_D float 1000000.0
min_val_D float 1e-06
threshold_error_s NoneType None
threshold_cp NoneType None
prints bool True
disable_tqdm bool False If True, disables the progress bar.
Returns tuple - rmse_CP: root mean squared error change points
- JI: Jaccard index change points
- error_alpha: mean absolute error anomalous exponents
- error_D: mean square log error diffusion coefficients
- error_s: Jaccar index diffusive states


Two datasets with same number of trajs
trajs, labels = models_phenom().immobile_traps(T = 200, N = 250, alphas=0.5, Ds = 1, L = 20, Nt = 100, Pb = 1, Pu = 0.5)

trajs = trajs.transpose((1, 0, 2)).copy()
labels = labels.transpose(1, 0, 2)

df_in, df_trues = array_to_df(trajs, labels)

trajs, labels = models_phenom().immobile_traps(T = 200, N = 250, alphas=[0.5, 0.1], Ds = 1, L = 20, Nt = 100, Pb = 1, Pu = 0.5)

trajs = trajs.transpose((1, 0, 2)).copy()
labels = labels.transpose(1, 0, 2)

df_in, df_preds = array_to_df(trajs, labels)
error_SingleTraj_dataset(df_preds, df_trues, prints = True, disable_tqdm=True);
Summary of metrics assesments:

Changepoint Metrics 
RMSE: 4.187 
Jaccard Index: 0.421 

Diffusion property metrics 
Metric anomalous exponent: 0.3062749061106691 
Metric diffusion coefficient: 0.22970698514281537 
Metric diffusive state: 0.5218950064020487
Two datasets with different number of trajectories
trajs, labels = models_phenom().immobile_traps(T = 200, N = 350, alphas=[0.5,0.01], Ds = [1., 0.1], L = 20, Nt = 100, Pb = 1, Pu = 0.5)

trajs = trajs.transpose((1, 0, 2)).copy()
labels = labels.transpose(1, 0, 2)

df_in, df_trues = array_to_df(trajs, labels, label_values=[0.5, 1], diff_states=[3, 2])

trajs, labels = models_phenom().immobile_traps(T = 200, N = 250, alphas=[0.5, 0.1], Ds = 1, L = 20, Nt = 100, Pb = 1, Pu = 0.5)

trajs = trajs.transpose((1, 0, 2)).copy()
labels = labels.transpose(1, 0, 2)

df_in, df_preds = array_to_df(trajs, labels, label_values=[0.5, 1], diff_states=[3, 2])
error_SingleTraj_dataset(df_preds, df_trues, prints = True)
Summary of metrics assesments:

100 missing trajectory/ies. 

Changepoint Metrics 
RMSE: 4.051 
Jaccard Index: 0.441 

Diffusion property metrics 
Metric anomalous exponent: 0.35483874584715985 
Metric diffusion coefficient: 3.1690909054732668 
Metric diffusive state: 0.4913685263947961
trajs, labels = models_phenom().immobile_traps(T = 200, N = 5, alphas=[0.5,0.01], Ds = [1., 0.1], L = 20, Nt = 100, Pb = 1, Pu = 0.5)

trajs = trajs.transpose((1, 0, 2)).copy()
labels = labels.transpose(1, 0, 2)

df_in, df_preds  = array_to_df(trajs, labels, label_values=[0.5, 1], diff_states=[3, 2])

trajs, labels = models_phenom().multi_state(T = 200, N = 7, L = 20, M = np.array([[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1]]))

trajs = trajs.transpose((1, 0, 2)).copy()
labels = labels.transpose(1, 0, 2)

df_in, df_trues  = array_to_df(trajs, labels, label_values=[0.5, 1], diff_states=[3, 2])
error_SingleTraj_dataset(df_preds, df_trues, prints = True);
Summary of metrics assesments:

2 missing trajectory/ies. 

Changepoint Metrics 
RMSE: 2.903 
Jaccard Index: 0.188 

Diffusion property metrics 
Metric anomalous exponent: 0.8269399281523714 
Metric diffusion coefficient: 8.262443034681892 
Metric diffusive state: 0.41379310344827586
Dataset with no changepoints
L = 250
trajs, labels = models_phenom().single_state(T = 200, N = 250, alphas=[0.5, 0.01], Ds = [1,0], L = L)
trajs = trajs.transpose((1, 0, 2)).copy()
labels = labels.transpose(1, 0, 2)

df_in, df_trues = array_to_df(trajs, labels, fov_length = L+1)

trajs, labels = models_phenom().single_state(T = 200, N = 250, L = L)

trajs = trajs.transpose((1, 0, 2)).copy()
labels = labels.transpose(1, 0, 2)

df_in, df_preds = array_to_df(trajs, labels, fov_length = L+1)
error_SingleTraj_dataset(df_preds, df_trues, prints = True, disable_tqdm=True);
Summary of metrics assesments:

Changepoint Metrics 
RMSE: 0 
Jaccard Index: 1 

Diffusion property metrics 
Metric anomalous exponent: 0.5024630319750929 
Metric diffusion coefficient: 0.0 
Metric diffusive state: 1.0
Dataset with no changepoints but different lengths T + one pred with CP

Because T is not considered for prediction, this should give JSC = 1. Because we add one CP, this counts as one FP, hence decreases the JSC to 1/N.

L = 250
T_true = 200; T_pred = 100; N = 5

trajs, labels = models_phenom().single_state(T = T_true, N = N, alphas=[0.5, 0.01], Ds = [1,0], L = L)
trajs = trajs.transpose((1, 0, 2)).copy()
labels = labels.transpose(1, 0, 2)

df_in, df_trues = array_to_df(trajs, labels, fov_length = L+1)

trajs, labels = models_phenom().single_state(T = T_true, N = N, L = L)
trajs = trajs.transpose((1, 0, 2)).copy()
labels = labels.transpose(1, 0, 2)

df_in, df_preds = array_to_df(trajs, labels, fov_length = L+1)

# Adding one CP to one prediction
df_preds['changepoints'].loc[0] = [50, T_true]
df_preds['Ds'].loc[0] = [1, 1]
df_preds['alphas'].loc[0] = [1, 1]
df_preds['states'].loc[0] = [2, 2]
error_SingleTraj_dataset(df_preds, df_trues, prints = True, disable_tqdm=True);
Summary of metrics assesments:

Changepoint Metrics 
RMSE: 0 
Jaccard Index: 0.8 

Diffusion property metrics 
Metric anomalous exponent: 0.5232892181068773 
Metric diffusion coefficient: 0.0 
Metric diffusive state: 1.0

Codalab scoring program

Single trajectory



 run_single_task (exp_nums, track, submit_dir, truth_dir)



 when_error_single (wrn_str)




 run_ensemble_task (exp_nums, track, submit_dir, truth_dir)

Parent program



 codalab_scoring (INPUT_DIR=None, OUTPUT_DIR=None)
Type Default Details
INPUT_DIR NoneType None directory to where to find the reference and predicted labes
OUTPUT_DIR NoneType None directory where the scores will be saved (scores.txt)



 listdir_nohidden (path)

Helpers transform results dataset in reference dataset



 transform_ref_to_res (base_path:str, track:str, num_fovs:int)

Transforms an organized reference dataset into a valid submission dataset. Note that we do not account for VIP indices in track_1, so will later yield an error when scoring this track.

Type Details
base_path str path where to find the folder to reorganize
track str either ‘track_1’ or ‘track_2’
num_fovs int