
Probability distributions

Pert distribution



 pert (params:list, size:int=1, lamb=4)

Samples from a Pert distribution of given parameters

Type Default Details
params list Pert parameters a, b, c
size int 1 number of samples to get
lamb int 4 lambda pert parameters
Returns array samples from the given Pert distribution

Gaussian distribution



 gaussian (params:list|int, size=1, bound=None)

Samples from a Gaussian distribution of given parameters.

Type Default Details
params list | int If list, mu and sigma of the gaussian. If int, we consider sigma = 0
size int 1 Number of samples to get.
bound NoneType None Bound of the Gaussian, if any.
Returns array Samples from the given Gaussian distribution
k = gaussian([2, 0.1], size = int(1e5), bound = [0, 2])
plt.hist(k, bins = 200);

Sampler random points in the surface of a sphere



 sample_sphere (N:int, R:int|list)

Samples random number that lay in the surface of a 3D sphere centered in zero and with radius R.

Type Details
N int Number of points to generate.
R int | list Radius of the sphere. If int, all points have
the same radius, if numpy.array, each number has different radius.
Returns array Sampled numbers

1D Brownian motion



 bm1D (T:int, D:float, deltaT=False)

Creates a 1D Brownian motion trajectory

Type Default Details
T int Length of the trajecgory
D float Diffusion coefficient
deltaT bool False Sampling time
Returns array Brownian motion trajectory

Regularize and normalize

Regularize trajectory with irregular sampling times



 regularize (positions:<built-infunctionarray>, times:<built-
             infunctionarray>, T:int)

Regularizes a trajectory with irregular sampling times.

Type Details
positions array Positions of the trajectory to regularize
times array Times at which previous positions were recorded
T int Length of the output trajectory
Returns array Regularized trajectory.

Normalize displacements of a trajectory



 normalize (trajs)

Normalizes trajectories by substracting average and dividing by SQRT of their standard deviation.

Type Details
trajs np.array Array of length N x T or just T containing the ensemble or single trajectory to normalize.



 normalize_fGN (disp, alpha, D, T:int, deltaT:int=1)

Normalizes fractional Gaussian Noise created with stochastic library.

Type Default Details
disp Array-like of shape N x T or just T containing the displacements to normalize.
alpha float in [0,2] or array-like of length N x 1 Anomalous exponent
D float or array-like of shape N x 1 Diffusion coefficient
T int Number of timesteps the displacements were generated with
deltaT int 1 Sampling time
Returns Array-like containing T displacements of given parameters
N = 10; T = 10
trajs = 3*np.random.randn(N*T*2).reshape(N,T,2)
trajs = np.cumsum(trajs, axis = 1)

norm_trajs = normalize(trajs)

idx = 0; plt.figure(figsize = (3,3))
plt.plot(trajs[idx,:,0]-trajs[idx,0,0], '-o', label = 'Original trajectory')
plt.plot(norm_trajs[idx,:,0], '-o', label = 'Normalized')
plt.legend(); plt.xlabel('Time'); plt.ylabel('Position')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Position')

Trigonometry functions

Needed for the correct calculation of confined diffusion in circular compartments.



 trigo ()

This class gathers multiple useful trigonometric relations.

Inspired from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30844482/what-is-most-efficient-way-to-find-the-intersection-of-a-line-and-a-circle-in-py and http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Circle-LineIntersection.html



 trigo.circle_line_segment_intersection (circle_center, circle_radius,
                                         pt1, pt2, full_line=False,

Find the points at which a circle intersects a line-segment. This can happen at 0, 1, or 2 points.

Type Default Details
circle_center tuple The (x, y) location of the circle center
circle_radius float The radius of the circle
pt1 tuple The (x, y) location of the first point of the segment
pt2 tuple The (x, y) location of the second point of the segment
full_line bool False True to find intersections along full line - not just in the segment.
False will just return intersections within the segment.
tangent_tol float 1e-09 Numerical tolerance at which we decide the intersections are close enough to consider it a tangent
Returns Sequence[Tuple[float, float]] A list of length 0, 1, or 2, where each element is a point at which the circle intercepts a line segment.

Adding field of view (FOV)



 find_nan_segments (a, cutoff_length)

Extract all segments of nans bigger than the set cutoff_length. If no segments are found, returns None. For each segments, returns the begining and end index of it.

Output: array of size (number of segments) x 2.



 segs_inside_fov (traj, fov_origin, fov_length, cutoff_length)

Given a trajectory, finds the segments inside the field of view (FOV).

Type Details
traj array Set of trajectories of size N x T (N: number trajectories, T: length).
fov_origin tuple Bottom right point of the square defining the FOV.
fov_length float Size of the box defining the FOV.
cutoff_length float Minimum length of a trajectory inside the FOV to be considered in the output dataset.
Returns array Set of segments inside the FOV.



 inside_fov_dataset (trajs, labels, fov_origin, fov_length,
                     cutoff_length=10, func_labels=None,

Given a dataset of trajectories with labels and a FOV parameters, returns a list of trajectories with the corresponding labels inside the FOV

Type Default Details
trajs array Set of trajectories with shape T x N x 2.
labels array Set of labels with shape T x N x 2.
fov_origin tuple Bottom left point of the square defining the FOV.
fov_length float Size of the box defining the FOV.
cutoff_length int 10 Minimum length of a trajectory inside the FOV to be considered in the output dataset.
func_labels NoneType None (optional) Function to be applied to the labels to take advantage of the loop.
return_frames bool False
Returns tuple - trajs_fov (list): list 2D arrays containing the trajectories inside the field of view.
- labels_fov (list): corresponding labels of the trajectories.

Example: (check notebooks for full details)

L = 200; T = 100
Ns = [20,10,10]
alphas = [1,1.5]
D = 1   

trajs, labels = models_phenom().multi_state(N = 500, L = L, T = 50)

fov_origin = [50,50]; fov_length = L*0.1
trajs_fov, labels_fov = inside_fov_dataset(trajs, labels, fov_origin, fov_length)
fig, (ax, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize = (14,7))
colors = plt.cm.RdYlGn(np.linspace(0, 1, len(trajs_fov)))

for idx, og_traj in enumerate(trajs[:, :, :].transpose(1,0,2)):
    ax.plot(og_traj[:, 0], og_traj[:, 1], c = 'k', alpha = 0.5, lw = 0.8)

for t, c in zip(trajs_fov, colors[::-1, :]):
    ax.plot(t[0], t[1], c= c)
    ax2.scatter(t[0], t[1], facecolor = c, s = 1)

fov_min_x, fov_min_y = fov_origin
fov_max_x, fov_max_y = np.array(fov_origin)+fov_length
# currentAxis = ax.gca()
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((fov_min_x, fov_min_y), fov_length, fov_length, fill=None, alpha=1, lw = 2, label = 'FOV'))

# Boundary
ax.axhline(0,  alpha = 0.5, ls = '--', c = 'k', label = 'boundary')
ax.axhline(L,  alpha = 0.5, ls = '--', c = 'k')
ax.axvline(0,  alpha = 0.5, ls = '--', c = 'k')
ax.axvline(L,  alpha = 0.5, ls = '--', c = 'k')

# FOV origin
ax.scatter(fov_origin[0], fov_origin[1], label = 'FOV origin', s = 40, zorder = 10)

legend = ax.legend()
plt.setp(ax, xlabel = 'X (px)', ylabel = 'Y (px)')
plt.setp(ax2, xlim = (0,L), ylim = (0,L));

Motion Blur



 motion_blur (output_length:int, oversamp_factor:float=10,

Applies a motion blur to given trajectories. Motion blur is apply by considering an oversampled trajectory and then averaging the position over the exposure time. The oversampling is controled by the oversampling factor O.

If we want to generate trajectories of size T, we must input trajectories of size T*O. The trajectory is then reshape into chunks of size O. The output position for each chunk is the average over the exposure time, i.e. the percentage of the beginning of this chunk.

Type Default Details
output_length int Expected length of trajectories after applying motion blur
oversamp_factor float 10 Oversampling factor. This implies that the number of frames goes from input -> T*O to output -> T
exposure_time float 0.5 Percentage of the oversampled (i.e in [0,1])



 motion_blur.apply (trajs:<built-infunctionarray>)

Applies the motion blur with the parameters defined.

Type Details
trajs array Input trajectories. Must be of size (input_length, num_trajs, dimension)
Returns array Output trajectories after applying motion blur. Size: (input_length / oversamp_factor, num_trajs, dimension)


MB = motion_blur(output_length = 10, oversamp_factor = 10, exposure_time = 0.5)
trajs = np.random.randn(100, 5, 2).cumsum(0)
trajs[:,0,0] = np.arange(100) # we put a straight line to check what happens
mb_trajs = MB.apply(trajs)

_, axs = plt.subplots(2,5,figsize = (15,6))

for t, t_mb, ax in zip(trajs.transpose(1,0,2), mb_trajs.transpose(1,0,2), axs.transpose()):
    ax[0].plot(np.linspace(0,10,t.shape[0]), t[:,0], label = 'OG traj')
    ax[0].plot(np.linspace(0,10,t_mb.shape[0]), t_mb[:,0], 'o-', alpha = 0.8, label = 'motion blur')
    ax[1].plot(np.linspace(0,10,t.shape[0]), t[:,1])
    ax[1].plot(np.linspace(0,10,t_mb.shape[0]), t_mb[:,1], 'o-', alpha = 0.8)
plt.setp(axs, yticklabels = []);

Plotting trajectories



 plot_trajs (trajs, L, N, num_to_plot=3, labels=None, plot_labels=False,
             traps_positions=None, traps_r=None, comp_center=None,
T = 50; N = 50; L = 1.2*128; D = 0.1

trajs_model1, labels = models_phenom().single_state(N = N, 
                                            L = L,
                                            T = T,
                                            Ds = D,
                                            alphas = 0.5
plot_trajs(trajs_model1, L, N)