


 models_phenom ()

This class handles the generation of trajectories from different theoretical models.

FBM displacements generator



 disp_fbm (alpha:float, D:float, T:int, deltaT:int=1)

Generates normalized Fractional Gaussian noise. This means that, in general: \[ <x^2(t) > = 2Dt^{alpha} \]

and in particular: \[ <x^2(t = 1)> = 2D \]

Type Default Details
alpha float Anomalous exponent
D float Diffusion coefficient
T int Number of displacements to generate
deltaT int 1 Sampling time
Returns numpy.array Array containing T displacements of given parameters

Properties of FBM

Understanding the normalization

These lines show why we need to multiply by np.sqrt(T)**alpha. Our goal is to have a random number generator with standard deviation equal to one. This does not happen with FGN above, hence the extra line:

n_disp = 10000
alphas = np.linspace(0.2, 1.8, 20)

std_og = [np.std(FGN(hurst = alpha/2).sample(n = n_disp)) for alpha in alphas]
std_norm = [np.std(FGN(hurst = alpha/2).sample(n = n_disp)*(np.sqrt(n_disp)**alpha)) for alpha in alphas]

plt.figure(figsize = (3,3))
plt.plot(alphas, std_og, label = 'Original')
plt.plot(alphas, std_norm, label = 'Normalized')                
plt.xlabel(r'$\alpha$'); plt.ylabel(r'STD($\xi$)')


The following shows that the generated displacements have the desired properties. Namely, we can choose \(D\) and \(\alpha\) at will and the function will correctly normalize the displacements. For that, we generate trajectories and estimate parameters of the MSD and VACF from analysis class.

T = int(2e2)
alphas = np.linspace(0.2, 1.9, 100)
D = 1
reps = int(2*1e3)
tmsd_a = np.zeros((len(alphas), reps))
exp_a = np.zeros((len(alphas), 100))

taus = np.arange(0, 100)
vacf_a = np.zeros((len(alphas[alphas < 1]), len(taus)))

for idx_a, alpha in enumerate(tqdm(alphas)):
    trajs = np.zeros((reps, T, 1))
    for rep in range(reps):        
        disp = models_phenom().disp_fbm(alpha, D, T, deltaT = 1)
        # Generate trajectory
        trajs[rep] = np.cumsum(disp).reshape(T, 1)
    # Calculate tMSD(tlag = 1)
    tmsd_a[idx_a] = msd_analysis().tamsd(trajs, t_lags = [1])
    exp_a[idx_a] = msd_analysis().get_exponent(trajs[:100])
    if alpha < 1:
        vacf_a[idx_a, :] = vacf(trajs = trajs, delta_t = 1, taus = taus)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize = (12, 3), tight_layout = True)

ax[1].errorbar(alphas, exp_a.mean(1), yerr=exp_a.std(1)/np.sqrt(reps), capsize=2, color =
plt.setp(ax[1], ylabel = r'Fitted $\alpha$', xlabel = r'$\alpha$', title = r'Fitting $\alpha$ from tMSD')

ax[0].errorbar(alphas, tmsd_a.mean(1), yerr=tmsd_a.std(1)/np.sqrt(reps), capsize=2, c =
plt.setp(ax[0], ylabel = r'$\left < x^2(t=1) \right>$', xlabel = r'$\alpha$', title = r'MSD at $t=1$')

for idxv, va in enumerate(vacf_a):
    ax[2].plot(taus, va, c =[0]));
plt.setp(ax[2], xlim = (-1 , 7), xlabel = r'$\tau$', ylabel = 'VACF', title = r'Velocity Autocorrelation ($\alpha\in[0,1]$)')

vec = alphas[alphas < 1]
normalize = mcolors.Normalize(vmin=vec.min(), vmax=vec.max())
colormap =
scalarmappaple =, cmap=colormap)
cbar = fig.colorbar(scalarmappaple, ax = ax[2])



 _sample_diff_parameters (alphas:list, Ds:list, num_states:int,
                          epsilon_a:float, gamma_d:float)

Given information of the anomalous exponents (alphas), diffusion coefficients (Ds), the function samples these from a bounded Gaussian distribution with the indicated constraints (epsilon_a, gamma_d). Outputs the list of demanded alphas and Ds.

Type Details
alphas list List containing the parameters to sample anomalous exponent in state (adapt to sampling function)
Ds list List containing the parameters to sample the diffusion coefficient in state (adapt to sampling function).
num_states int Number of diffusive states.
epsilon_a float Minimum distance between anomalous exponents of various states.
gamma_d float Factor between diffusion coefficient of various states.

We can test that this distances are taken into account when generating trajectories:

N = 1000; L = 50; T = 2;
epsilon_a=[0.5]; gamma_d = [0.75]
trajs, labels = models_phenom().multi_state(
                                           epsilon_a=epsilon_a, gamma_d = gamma_d, # This is the important part 
                                           T = T, N = N, L = L,
                                           Ds = np.array([[2, 0], [2, 0.2]]), 
                                           alphas = np.array([[1, 0], [0.75, 0.1]]),
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize = (6, 3), tight_layout = True)
alphas = labels[:,:,0].flatten()
Ds = labels[:,:,1].flatten()
states_num = labels[:,:,3].flatten()
for s in np.unique(states_num):    
    ax[0].hist(alphas[states_num == s], bins = 100, density = True);
    ax[1].hist(Ds[states_num == s], bins = 100, density = True);
ax[0].set_title(fr'Distribution of $\alpha$ - $\epsilon_a = {epsilon_a[0]}$')
ax[1].set_title(fr'Distribution of $D$ - $\gamma_d = {gamma_d[0]}$')
plt.setp(ax, ylim = [0,10])
ax[0].set_xlim(0,1.1); ax[1].set_xlim(0,2.1)
Text(0, 0.5, 'Frequency')

Single state model

Particles diffusing according to a single diffusion state, as observed for some lipids in the plasma membrane or for nanoparticles in the cellular environment.

Single trajectory generator



 _single_state_traj (T:int=200, D:float=1, alpha:float=1, L:float=None,
                     deltaT:int=1, dim:int=2)

Generates a single state trajectory with given parameters.

Type Default Details
T int 200 Length of the trajectory
D float 1 Diffusion coefficient
alpha float 1 Anomalous exponent
L float None Length of the box acting as the environment
deltaT int 1 Sampling time
dim int 2 Dimension of the walk (can be 2 or 3)
Returns tuple - pos: position of the particle
- labels: anomalous exponent, D and state at each timestep. State is always free here.

Example in 2D

traj, labels = models_phenom._single_state_traj(D = 0.05,  alpha = 1.5, 
                                                T =1000, L = 10, dim = 2)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize = (10, 2), tight_layout = True)
ax[0].plot(traj[:, 0], traj[:, 1], alpha = 0.5)
plt.setp(ax[0], xlabel = 'X', ylabel = 'Y')

ax[1].plot(traj[:, 0], '.', label = 'X')
ax[1].plot(traj[:, 1], '.', label = 'Y', )
plt.setp(ax[1], ylabel = 'Position', xlabel = 'Time')

ax[2].plot(labels[:, 0], '.', label = r'$\alpha$')
ax[2].plot(labels[:, 1], '.', label = r'$D$' )
plt.setp(ax[2], ylabel = 'Label', xlabel = 'Time')

for b in [0,10]:
    ax[0].axhline(b, ls = '--', alpha = 0.3, c = 'k')
    ax[0].axvline(b, ls = '--', alpha = 0.3, c = 'k')
    ax[1].axhline(b, ls = '--', alpha = 0.3, c = 'k')

Example in 3D

traj, labels = models_phenom._single_state_traj(D = 0.05,  alpha = 1.5, 
                                                T =1000, L = 10, dim = 3)

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (6,5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection = '3d')

ax.plot(traj[:,0], traj[:,1], traj[:,2], c = 'k')
ax.scatter3D(traj[:,0], traj[:,1], traj[:,2], c = np.arange(traj.shape[0]), s = 20);
plt.setp(ax, xlabel = 'Position X', ylabel = 'Position Y', zlabel = 'Position Z',
         xticklabels = [], yticklabels = [], zticklabels = [])

Dataset generation



 single_state (N:int=10, T:int=200, Ds:list=[1, 0], alphas:list=[1, 0],
               L:float=None, dim:int=2)

Generates a dataset made of single state trajectories with given parameters.

Type Default Details
N int 10 Number of trajectories in the dataset
T int 200 Length of the trajectory
Ds list [1, 0] If list, mean and variance from which to sample the diffusion coefficient. If float, we consider variance = 0.
alphas list [1, 0] If list, mean and variance from which to sample the anomalous exponent. If float, we consider variance = 0.
L float None Length of the box acting as the environment
dim int 2 Dimension of the walk (can be 2 or 3)
Returns tuple - positions: position of the N trajectories.
- labels: anomalous exponent, D and state at each timestep. State is always free here.

Example in 2D

N = 500; L = 5; T = 100;
alpha = [0.8, 0.1]; D = [0.1,0.1]

trajs, labels = models_phenom().single_state(N = N,
                                           L = L,
                                           T = T, 
                                           alphas = alpha,
                                           Ds = D)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize = (6, 3), tight_layout = True)
ax[0].hist(labels[:,:,0].flatten(), bins = 50)
plt.setp(ax[0], title = r'Distribution of $\alpha$', xlabel = r'$\alpha$', ylabel = 'Frequency');

ax[1].hist(labels[:,:,1].flatten(), bins = 50)
plt.setp(ax[1], title = r'Distribution of $D$', xlabel = r'$D$', ylabel = 'Frequency');

plot_trajs(trajs, L, N)

Example in 3D

N = 4; L = 5; T = 100;
alpha = [0.8, 0.1]; D = [0.1,0.1]

trajs, labels = models_phenom().single_state(N = N,
                                           L = L,
                                           T = T, 
                                           alphas = alpha,
                                           Ds = D,
                                            dim = 3)
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (10,5))

axs = []
for idx, traj in enumerate(trajs.transpose(1,0,2)):
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1,4,idx+1, projection = '3d')

    ax.plot(traj[:,0], traj[:,1], traj[:,2], c = 'k')
    ax.scatter3D(traj[:,0], traj[:,1], traj[:,2], c = np.arange(traj.shape[0]), s = 20);
plt.setp(axs, xticklabels = [], yticklabels = [], zticklabels = []);

Multiple state model

Particles diffusing according to a time-dependent multi-state (2 or more) model of diffusion, as observed for example in proteins undergoing transient changes of \(D\) and/or \(\alpha\) as induced by, e.g., allosteric changes or ligand binding.

Single trajectory generator



 _multiple_state_traj (T=200, M=[[0.95, 0.05], [0.05, 0.95]], Ds=[1, 0.1],
                       alphas=[1, 1], L=None, deltaT=1,
                       return_state_num=False, init_state=None)

Generates a 2D multi state trajectory with given parameters.

Type Default Details
T int 200 Length of the trajectory
M list [[0.95, 0.05], [0.05, 0.95]] Transition matrix between diffusive states.
Ds list [1, 0.1] Diffusion coefficients of the diffusive states. Must have as many Ds as states defined by M.
alphas list [1, 1] Anomalous exponents of the diffusive states. Must have as many alphas as states defined by M.
L NoneType None Length of the box acting as the environment
deltaT int 1 Sampling time
return_state_num bool False If True, returns as label the number assigned to the state at each time step.
init_state NoneType None If True, the particle starts in state 0. If not, sample initial state.
Returns tuple - pos: position of the particle
- alphas_t: anomalous exponent at each step
- Ds_t: diffusion coefficient at each step.
- label_diff_state: particle’s state (can be either free or directed for alpha ~ 2) at each step.
- state (optional): state label at each step.
T = 1000; L = 100
traj, labels = models_phenom._multiple_state_traj(T = T,
                                                  L = L,
                                                  alphas = [0.2, 0.7], 
                                                  Ds = [1.5, 2],                                                  

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize = (9, 3), tight_layout = True)
ax[0].plot(traj[:, 0], traj[:, 1], alpha = 0.5)
plt.setp(ax[0], xlabel = 'X', ylabel = 'Y')

ax[1].plot(traj[:, 0], label = 'X')
ax[1].plot(traj[:, 1], label = 'Y', )
plt.setp(ax[1], ylabel = 'Position', xlabel = 'Time')

ax[2].plot(labels[:, 0], '.', label = r'$\alpha$')
ax[2].plot(labels[:, 1], '.', label = r'$D$' )
ax[2].plot(labels[:, 3], '.', label = r'$state \#$', alpha = 0.3 )
plt.setp(ax[2], ylabel = 'Label', xlabel = 'Time')

for b in [0,L]:
    ax[0].axhline(b, ls = '--', alpha = 0.3, c = 'k')
    ax[0].axvline(b, ls = '--', alpha = 0.3, c = 'k')
    ax[1].axhline(b, ls = '--', alpha = 0.3, c = 'k')

Dataset generation



 multi_state (N=10, T=200, M:<built-infunctionarray>=[[0.9, 0.1], [0.1,
              0.9]], Ds:<built-infunctionarray>=[[1, 0], [0.1, 0]],
              alphas:<built-infunctionarray>=[[1, 0], [1, 0]],
              gamma_d=None, epsilon_a=None, L=None,
              return_state_num=False, init_state=None)

Generates a dataset of 2D multi state trajectory with given parameters.

Type Default Details
N int 10 Number of trajectories
T int 200 Length of the trajectory
M array [[0.9, 0.1], [0.1, 0.9]] Transition matrix between diffusive states
Ds array [[1, 0], [0.1, 0]] List of means and variances from which to sample the diffusion coefficient of each state. If element size is one, we consider variance = 0.
alphas array [[1, 0], [1, 0]] List of means and variances from which to sample the anomalous exponent of each state. If element size is one, we consider variance = 0.
gamma_d NoneType None Minimum factor between D of diffusive states (see ._sampling_diff_parameters)
epsilon_a NoneType None Distance between alpha of diffusive states (see ._sampling_diff_parameters)
L NoneType None Length of the box acting as the environment
return_state_num bool False If True, returns as label the number assigned to the state at each time step.
init_state NoneType None If True, the particle starts in state 0. If not, sample initial state.
Returns tuple - trajs (array TxNx2): particles’ position
- labels (array TxNx2): particles’ labels (see ._multi_state for details on labels)


N = 100; L = 50; T = 100;

trajs, labels = models_phenom().multi_state(N = N, T = T, L = L,
                                            M = np.array([[0.95 , 0.05],[0.05, 0.95]]),
                                            Ds = np.array([[1, 0], [1, 0.5]]), 
                                            alphas = np.array([[1, 0.01], [0.5, 0.02]]),
                                            epsilon_a=[0.4], gamma_d = [0.75],

We can first check the parameter distributions:

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize = (8, 3), tight_layout = True)

# Diffusion coefficients
ax[0].hist(labels[labels[:,:,3] == 0, 1].flatten(), label = f'State 1 - % = {(labels[:,:,3] == 0).sum()/[:2])}')
ax[0].hist(labels[labels[:,:,3] == 1, 1].flatten(), label = f'State 2 - % = {(labels[:,:,3] == 1).sum()/[:2])}')
plt.setp(ax[0], title = r'Distribution of $D$', xlabel = r'$D$', ylabel = 'Frequency');

# Anomalous exponents
ax[1].hist(labels[labels[:,:,3] == 0, 0].flatten(), label = f'State 1 - # = {(labels[:,:,3] == 0).sum()}')
ax[1].hist(labels[labels[:,:,3] == 1, 0].flatten(), label = f'State 2 - # = {(labels[:,:,3] == 1).sum()}')
plt.setp(ax[1], title = r'Distribution of $\alpha$', xlabel = r'$\alpha$', ylabel = 'Frequency');

And then see some examples of trajectories:

plot_trajs(trajs, L, N, labels = labels, plot_labels = True)


N = 100; L = 50; T = 100;

trajs, labels = models_phenom().multi_state(N = N, T = T, L = L,
                                            M = np.array([[0.98 , 0.01, 0.01],[0.01, 0.98, 0.01], [0.01, 0.01, 0.98]]),
                                            Ds = np.array([[1, 0], [1, 0.5], [0.1, 0]]), 
                                            alphas = np.array([[1, 0.01], [0.5, 0.02], [1.8, 0.1]]),
                                            # epsilon_a=[0.4], gamma_d = [0.75],

We can first check the parameter distributions:

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize = (8, 3), tight_layout = True)

# Diffusion coefficients
ax[0].hist(labels[labels[:,:,3] == 0, 1].flatten(), label = f'State 1 - % = {(labels[:,:,3] == 0).sum()/[:2])}')
ax[0].hist(labels[labels[:,:,3] == 1, 1].flatten(), label = f'State 2 - % = {(labels[:,:,3] == 1).sum()/[:2])}')
ax[0].hist(labels[labels[:,:,3] == 2, 1].flatten(), label = f'State 3 - % = {(labels[:,:,3] == 2).sum()/[:2])}')
plt.setp(ax[0], title = r'Distribution of $D$', xlabel = r'$D$', ylabel = 'Frequency');

# Anomalous exponents
ax[1].hist(labels[labels[:,:,3] == 0, 0].flatten(), label = f'State 1 - # = {(labels[:,:,3] == 0).sum()}')
ax[1].hist(labels[labels[:,:,3] == 1, 0].flatten(), label = f'State 2 - # = {(labels[:,:,3] == 1).sum()}')
ax[1].hist(labels[labels[:,:,3] == 2, 0].flatten(), label = f'State 3 - # = {(labels[:,:,3] == 2).sum()}')
plt.setp(ax[1], title = r'Distribution of $\alpha$', xlabel = r'$\alpha$', ylabel = 'Frequency');


Particles diffusing according to a 2-state model of diffusion, with transient changes of \(D\) and/or \(\alpha\) induced by encounters with other particles, observed for example in protein dimerization.

Auxiliary functions

Distance calculator



 _get_distance (x)

Given a matrix of size Nx2, calculates the distance between the N particles.

Type Details
x array Particles’ positions
Returns array Distance between particles

Escaping dynamics



 _make_escape (Pu, label, diff_state)

Given an unbinding probablity (Pu), the current labeling of particles (label) and the current state of particle (diff_state, either bound, 1, or unbound, 0), simulate an stochastic binding mechanism.

Type Details
Pu float Unbinding probablity
label array Current labeling of the particles (i.e. to which condensate they belong)
diff_state array Current state of the particles
Returns tuple New labeling and diffusive state of the particles

Clustering dynamics



 _make_condensates (Pb, label, diff_state, r, distance, max_label)

Given a binding probability Pb, the current label of particles (label), their current diffusive state (diff_state), the particle size (r), their distances (distance) and the label from which binding is not possible (max_label), simulates a binding mechanism.

Type Details
Pb float Binding probablity.
label array Current labeling of the particles (i.e. to which condensate they belong)
diff_state array Current state of the particles
r float Particle size.
distance array Distance between particles
max_label int Maximum label from which particles will not be considered for binding
Returns tuple New labeling and diffusive state of the particles

Here is a test in which some particles, distributed randomly through a bounded space, first bind and then unbind using the previous defined functions:

# Binding and unbinding probabilities
Pb = 0.8; Pu = 0.5
# Generate the particles
N = 200; L = 10; r = 1; max_n = 2; Ds = np.ones(100)
pos = np.random.rand(N, 2)*L    
# Put random labels (label = which condensate you belong). diff_state is zero because all are unbound)
label = np.arange(N)#np.random.choice(range(500), N, replace = False)
diff_state = np.zeros(N).astype(int)
# Define max_label bigger than max of label so everybody binds
max_label = max(label)+2
# Calculate distance between particles
distance = models_phenom._get_distance(pos)

print('# of free particles:')
print(f'Before binding: {len(label)}')

# First make particle bind:
lab, ds = models_phenom._make_condensates(Pb, label, diff_state, r, distance, max_label)
print(f'After binding: {np.unique(lab[np.argwhere(ds == 0)], return_counts=True)[0].shape[0]}')

# Then we do unbinding:
lab, ds = models_phenom._make_escape(Pu, lab, ds)
print(f'After unbinding: {np.unique(lab[np.argwhere(ds == 0)], return_counts=True)[0].shape[0]}')
# of free particles:
Before binding: 200
After binding: 4
After unbinding: 106

Stokes drag



 _stokes (D)

Applies a Stokes-Einstein-like transformation to two diffusion coefficients.

Type Details
D tuple Diffusion coefficients of the two binding particles.
Returns float Resulting diffusion coefficient.

Time evolution



 dimerization (N=10, T=200, L=100, r=1, Pu=0.1, Pb=0.01, Ds:<built-
               infunctionarray>=[[1, 0], [0.1, 0]], alphas:<built-
               infunctionarray>=[[1, 0], [1, 0]], epsilon_a=0,
               stokes=False, return_state_num=False, deltaT=1)

Generates a dataset of 2D trajectories of particles perfoming stochastic dimerization.

Type Default Details
N int 10 Number of trajectories
T int 200 Length of the trajectory
L int 100 Length of the box acting as the environment
r int 1 Radius of particles.
Pu float 0.1 Unbinding probability.
Pb float 0.01 Binding probability.
Ds array [[1, 0], [0.1, 0]] List of means and variances from which to sample the diffusion coefficient of each state. If element size is one, we consider variance = 0.
alphas array [[1, 0], [1, 0]] List of means and variances from which to sample the anomalous exponent of each state. If element size is one, we consider variance = 0.
epsilon_a int 0 Distance between alpha of diffusive states (see ._sampling_diff_parameters)
stokes bool False If True, applies a Stokes-Einstein like coefficient to calculate the diffusion coefficient of dimerized particles.
If False, we use as D resulting from the dimerization the D assigned to the dimerized state of one of the two particles.
return_state_num bool False If True, returns as label the number assigned to the state at each time step.
deltaT int 1 Sampling time
Returns tuple - trajs (array TxNx2): particles’ position
- labels (array TxNx2): particles’ labels (see ._multi_state for details on labels)
N = 500; L = 50; r = 1; T = 100
Pu = 0.1 # Unbinding probability
Pb = 1 # Binding probability
# Diffusion coefficients of two states
stokes = True
Ds = np.array([[2, 0.01], [1e-5, 0]]) # because stokes = True, we don't care about the second state
# Anomalous exponents for two states
alphas = np.array([[1, 0], [1, 0.2]]) 

trajs, labels = models_phenom().dimerization(N = N,
                                            L = L,
                                            r = r,
                                            T = T,
                                            Pu = Pu, # Unbinding probability
                                            Pb = Pb, # Binding probability
                                            Ds = Ds, # Diffusion coefficients of two states
                                            alphas = alphas, # Anomalous exponents for two states,
                                            return_state_num = True,
                                            stokes = True, epsilon_a=0.2
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize = (8, 3), tight_layout = True)

# Diffusion coefficients
ax[0].hist(labels[labels[:,:,3] == 0, 1].flatten(), label = f'State 1 - % = {(labels[:,:,3] == 0).sum()/[:2])}')
ax[0].hist(labels[labels[:,:,3] == 1, 1].flatten(), label = f'State 2 - % = {(labels[:,:,3] == 1).sum()/[:2])}')
plt.setp(ax[0], title = r'Distribution of $D$', xlabel = r'$D$', ylabel = 'Frequency');

# Anomalous exponents
ax[1].hist(labels[labels[:,:,3] == 0, 0].flatten(), label = f'State 1 - # = {(labels[:,:,3] == 0).sum()}')
ax[1].hist(labels[labels[:,:,3] == 1, 0].flatten(), label = f'State 2 - # = {(labels[:,:,3] == 1).sum()}')
plt.setp(ax[1], title = r'Distribution of $\alpha$', xlabel = r'$\alpha$', ylabel = 'Frequency');

plot_trajs(trajs, L, N, labels = labels, plot_labels = True)

Immobile traps

Particles diffusing according to a space-dependent 2-state model of diffusion, representing proteins being transiently immobilized at specific locations as induced by binding to immobile structures, such as cytoskeleton-induced molecular pinning.



 _update_bound (mask, N, pos, Nt, traps_pos, Pb, Pu, r)

Binds and unbinds particles to traps based on their position and binding and unbinding probabilities

Type Details
mask array Current binding array
N int Number of particles
pos array Position of particles
Nt int Number of traps
traps_pos array Position of traps
Pb float in [0,1] Binding probability
Pu float in [0,1] Unbinding probability
r float Trap radius
Returns array Updated binding array



 immobile_traps (N=10, T=200, L=100, r=1, Pu=0.1, Pb=0.01, Ds=[1, 0],
                 alphas=[1, 0], Nt=10, traps_pos:<built-
                 infunctionarray>=None, deltaT=1)

Generates a dataset of 2D trajectories of particles diffusing in an environment with immobilizing traps.

Type Default Details
N int 10 Number of trajectories
T int 200 Length of the trajectory
L int 100 Length of the box acting as the environment
r int 1 Radius of particles.
Pu float 0.1 Unbinding probability.
Pb float 0.01 Binding probability.
Ds list [1, 0] Mean and variance from which to sample the diffusion coefficient of the free state. If float, we consider variance = 0
alphas list [1, 0] Mean and variance from which to sample the anomalous exponent of the free state. If float, we consider variance = 0
Nt int 10 Number of traps
traps_pos array None Positions of the traps. Can be given by array or sampled randomly if None.
deltaT int 1 Sampling time.
Returns tuple - trajs (array TxNx2): particles’ position
- labels (array TxNx2): particles’ labels (see ._multi_state for details on labels)
N = 50; T = 100; L = 100
# Binding and unbinding probs
Pb = 1; Pu = 0.1
# D and alpha
alpha = 1.2
D = [1, 0.2]
# Traps properties
Nt = 100
r = 1
traps_pos = np.random.rand(Nt, 2)*L 

trajs, labels = models_phenom().immobile_traps(N = N, T = T, L = L,
                                               r = r,
                                               Pu = Pu, Pb = Pb, 
                                               Ds = D, alphas = alpha,
                                               Nt = Nt, traps_pos = traps_pos
plot_trajs(trajs, L, N, labels = labels, plot_labels = True, traps_positions=traps_pos)


Particles diffusing according to a space-dependent 2-state model of diffusion, observed for example in proteins being transiently confined in regions where diffusion properties might change, e.g., the confinement induced by clathrin-coated pits on the cell membrane. In the limit of a high density of trapping regions, this model reproduces the picket-and-fence model used to describe the effect of the actin cytoskeleton on transmembrane proteins.

Auxiliary functions

Distribute compartments



 _distribute_circular_compartments (Nc, r, L)

Distributes circular compartments over an environment without overlapping. Raises a warning and stops when no more compartments can be inserted.

Type Details
Nc float Number of compartments
r float Size of the compartments
L float Side length of the squared environment.
Returns array Position of the centers of the compartments
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (5,5))

Nc = 60; r = 10; L = 256;
comp_center = models_phenom._distribute_circular_compartments(Nc, r, L)

for c in comp_center:
    circle = plt.Circle((c[0], c[1]), r)
(0.0, 256.0)

Reflection inside circles



 _reflected_position (circle_center, circle_radius, beg, end,

Given the begining and end of a segment crossing the boundary of a circle, calculates the new position considering that boundaries are fully reflective.

Type Default Details
circle_center float Center of the circle
circle_radius float Radius of the circle
beg tuple Position (in 2D) of the begining of the segment
end tuple Position (in 2D) of the begining of the segment
precision_boundary float 0.0001 Small area around the real boundary which is also considered as boundary. For numerical stability
Returns tuple - Reflected position
- Intersection point
circle_radius = 2;
circle_center = [0,0]
beg = np.array([0.8, 0])+circle_center
end = np.array([2.5, -0.8])+circle_center

final_point, intersect = models_phenom._reflected_position(circle_center, circle_radius, beg, end)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (3, 3))

circle = plt.Circle(circle_center, circle_radius, facecolor = 'w', ec = 'C0', label = 'Compartment', zorder = -1)
ax.plot([beg[0],end[0]], [beg[1], end[1]], '-o', c = 'C1', label = 'Displacement segment')
ax.plot([circle_center[0], intersect[0]], [circle_center[1], intersect[1]], c = 'C2')
ax.plot([intersect[0], final_point[0]], [intersect[1], final_point[1]], '-o', c = 'C4', label = 'Resulting reflection')
ax.set_ylim(circle_center[1]-circle_radius*1.5, circle_center[1]+circle_radius*1.5)
ax.set_xlim(circle_center[0]-circle_radius*1.5, circle_center[0]+circle_radius*1.5)
ax.legend(fontsize = 8)

Single trajectory generator



 _confinement_traj (T=200, L=100, Ds=[1, 0.1], alphas=[1, 1], r=1,
                    comp_center=None, Nc=10, trans=0.1, deltaT=1)

Generates a 2D trajectory of particles diffusing in an environment with partially transmitting circular compartments.

Type Default Details
T int 200 Length of the trajectory
L int 100 Length of the box acting as the environment
Ds list [1, 0.1] Diffusion coefficients of the two diffusive states (first free, the confined). Size must be 2.
alphas list [1, 1] Anomalous exponents of the two diffusive states (first free, the confined). Size must be 2.
r int 1 Radius of the compartments.
comp_center NoneType None If given, center of the compartments. If None, centers are uniformly sampled.
Nc int 10 Number of compartments
trans float 0.1 Transmittance of the boundaries
deltaT int 1 Sampling time.
Returns tuple - pos (array Tx2): particle’s position
- labels (array Tx2): particle’s labels (see ._multi_state for details on labels)
N = 50;  L = 20
Nc = 15; r = 1; L = 20
Ds = [1, 0.1]
r , L, Nc = (20, 256, 20)

comp_center = models_phenom._distribute_circular_compartments(Nc = Nc, r = r, L = L)
trajs, labels = models_phenom()._confinement_traj(trans = 0.1, Nc = Nc, r = r, L = L, T =200, comp_center=comp_center, Ds = Ds)

fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize = (6,3), tight_layout = True)

ax = axs[0]
for c in comp_center:
    circle = plt.Circle((c[0], c[1]), r, facecolor = 'None', edgecolor = 'C0')
ax.scatter(trajs[:,0], trajs[:,1], c =[:,-1]/2), zorder = -1, s = 2)   

plt.setp(axs[0], xlim = (0,L), ylim = (0,L), xlabel = 'X', ylabel = 'Y')

axs[1].plot(trajs[:,0], label = 'x');
axs[1].plot(trajs[:,1], label = 'y');
plt.setp(axs[1], xlabel = 'Position', ylabel = 'Time')
[Text(0.5, 0, 'Position'), Text(0, 0.5, 'Time')]

Dataset generation



 confinement (N=10, T=200, L=100, Ds=[[1, 0], [0.1, 0]], alphas=[[1, 0],
              [1, 0]], gamma_d=[1], epsilon_a=[0], r=1, comp_center=None,
              Nc=10, trans=0.1, deltaT=1)

Generates a dataset of 2D trajectories of particles diffusing in an environment with partially transmitting circular compartments.

Type Default Details
N int 10 Number of trajectories
T int 200 Length of the trajectory
L int 100 Length of the box acting as the environment
Ds list [[1, 0], [0.1, 0]] List of means and variances from which to sample the diffusion coefficient of each state. If element size is one, we consider variance = 0.
alphas list [[1, 0], [1, 0]] List of means and variances from which to sample the anomalous exponent of each state. If element size is one, we consider variance = 0.
gamma_d list [1] Minimum factor between D of diffusive states (see ._sampling_diff_parameters). Size is number of states -1 (in this case size 1)
epsilon_a list [0] Distance between alpha of diffusive states (see ._sampling_diff_parameters). Size is number of states -1 (in this case size 1)
r int 1 Radius of the compartments.
comp_center NoneType None If given, center of the compartments. If None, centers are uniformly sampled.
Nc int 10 Number of compartments
trans float 0.1 Transmittance of the boundaries
deltaT int 1 Sampling time.
Returns tuple - pos (array Tx2): particle’s position
- labels (array Tx2): particle’s labels (see ._multi_state for details on labels)
N = 50;  L = 20
Nc = 15; r = 1; L = 20
Ds = [[1,0], [150,0.1]]
alphas = [[1, 0], [1.5,0.1]]
r , L, Nc = (20, 256, 15)
comp_center = models_phenom._distribute_circular_compartments(Nc = Nc, r = r, L = L)
trajs, labels = models_phenom().confinement(N = N, L = L, comp_center = comp_center, trans = 0.1, Ds = Ds, 
                                            r = r, alphas = alphas, epsilon_a = [0])
plot_trajs(trajs, L, N, labels = labels, plot_labels = True, comp_center = comp_center, r_cercle=r)