experiments |
int |
5 |
- if int: Number of experiments to generate. Each experiment is generated from one of the available diffusion models. - if list: diffusion models to generate (starting with 1!!!!!) |
dics |
NoneType |
None |
If given, uses this to set the parameters of the experiments. Must be of length equal to experiments. This overrides any info about chosen models, as the model is set by the dictionary. |
repeat_exp |
bool |
True |
-> Does not enter into play if experiments is list If True: picks at random the diffusion model from the pool. If False: picks the diffusion in an ordered way from the pool. |
num_fovs |
int |
1 |
Number of field of views to get trajectories from in each experiment. |
return_timestep_labs |
bool |
False |
If True, the output trajectories dataframes containing also the labels alpha, D and state at each time step. |
save_data |
bool |
False |
If True, saves all pertinent data. |
path |
str |
data/ |
Path where to store the data. |
prefix |
str |
Extra prefix that can be added in front of the files’ names. |
get_video |
bool |
False |
If true, get as output the videos generated with Deeptrack for the generated datasets (see utils_videos for details). |
num_vip |
NoneType |
None |
Number of VIP highlighted in the videos. |
get_video_masks |
bool |
False |
If True, get masks of videos |
files_reorg |
bool |
False |
If True, this function also creates a folder with name path_reorg inside path with the same data but organized à la ANDI2 challenge |
path_reorg |
str |
ref/ |
Folder where the reorganized dataset will be created |
save_labels_reorg |
bool |
False |
If to save also the labels in the reorganized dataset. This is needed if you want to create a reference dataset for the Scoring program. No need if you are just creating data to predict. |
delete_raw |
bool |
False |
If True, deletes the raw dataset so that only the reorganized one is maintained. |
Returns |
tuple |
- trajs_out: List of lenght (experiments x num_fovs). Each elements are is dataframe containing the trajectories of a particular experiment/fov, in order of generation (i.e. [exp1_fov1, exp1_fov2, …, exp2_fov1 ….]). If return_timestep_labs = True, the dataframes also contain the labels at each time step. - labels_traj_out: list of same length of trajs_out containing the labels of the corresponding trajectories. Each element contains a list with the labels of each trajectory, following the scheme: [idx_traj, D_1, alpha_1, state_1, CP_1, D_2, alpha_2, …. state_N] - labels_ens_out: list of same length of trajs_out containing the ensemble labels of given experiment. See description of output matrix in utils_challenge._extract_ensemble() |